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District County Alliance   Binhai New Area Zone of Peace Hebei District Hexi District Hedong District Nankai District Hongqiao District Dongli District Xiqing District Jinnan District Beichen District Wuqing District Baodi District Jinghai District Ninghe District Jizhou District
He Zhizhi said that "Several Measures to Improve the Efficiency of Integrated Government Service in Tianjin" leverage the "big improvement" of government service efficiency with "small cuts" of people's livelihood
Dai Dongqiang said that in order to promote the healthy development of new business types, further stimulate consumption vitality and reassure the people to consume, the market supervision department will carry out a number of work
Sun Jiannan said that focusing on the construction of an international consumption center city, he will focus on four aspects
Shan Zefeng said that Binhai New Area should adhere to the principle of "doing the best" and "supporting the bottom", and explore effective ways to improve "three volumes" around "three new"
Zheng Weiming said that people should feel more satisfied, happier and secure
Dai Lei said that Hebei District should speed up the cultivation of new quality productivity and focus on building an upgraded version of modern service industry
Mu Shengjun said that Hexi District should closely adhere to the goal of "building a strong economic zone and a city of quality", and create a good environment suitable for living, working, traveling and entertainment
Yu Ruijun said that Hedong District should drive development increment by revitalizing the stock and cultivate new economic growth points
Nie Weixun said that we should seize the opportunity of Nankai, the core area of Tiankai Park, to promote high-quality development
Chen Yu said that Hongqiao District will comprehensively speed up the construction of Beijing Tianjin Hebei CBD, and promote carrier construction and industry introduction
Li Chun said that Dongli District should play a good role as a "chain owner" enterprise, and promote the construction of a scientific and innovative green valley urban new area
Yin Xuewu said that Xiqing District should take the "ten actions" of high-quality development as the guide and firmly shoulder the responsibility of the economic region
Yang Hao said that Jinnan District should play the "three good cards" of ecology, science and education, and exhibition, and contribute to building the city of exhibition in the north
Xu Hui said that Beichen District should focus on the two characteristic industries of intelligent manufacturing and modern medicine by focusing on the construction of "medical and intellectual double valley"
Xu Yingwu said that Wuqing District will build a "one city, one belt, one business circle" to contribute to the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei
Guo Kangwei said that Baodi District should focus on four major events and strive to support the city's economic and social development with Baodi's efforts
Qu Haifu said that Jinghai District will do a good job of "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division" to "add weight" to the high-quality development of the city
Bai Fengxiang said that Ninghe District should adhere to the development direction of "ecology+" and help rural revitalization with the deep integration of "agriculture, sports, business travel"
Zhang Jianyu said that Jizhou District will combine its own resource endowment advantages to serve Tianjin's high-quality development
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