Indus natural color underwear
Natural color of Chinese parasol
Public praise:
(4.65 points)
Brand: Wutong Natural Color
Region: Guangdong Foshan
Grade: middle grade
Style: sexy underwear, home clothes
Online consultation

Brand Introduction

Wutong natural underwear follows the brand concept of "fashion, simplicity, nature and refinement", adheres to the business concept of "using craftsman spirit as the brand and integrity as the enterprise", shoulders the mission of being the leader and service provider of underwear physical channel transformation and upgrading, and adheres to the brand business model of "differentiation, verticality, cross-border and networking", Create and spread the brand values and life attitudes of "simple fashion, natural comfort, and quality life", maintain the original intention and human nature, return life to the most natural state, feel and listen to nature, culture, and aesthetics with heart, discover the fashion and power in natural life, and share and spread the accumulated love and emotion with time, memory, and emotion, It shows the nature and humanity. The original life is so beautiful!

The true color of Chinese parasol tree, enjoy the beauty of nature, let us enjoy the beauty of life in the edification of nature, culture and aesthetics!

Design concept:

The original intention of the Chinese parasol underwear design is based on the sense of women's own experience. In addition to making women of different shapes feel "relaxed", we hope that they can find their own charm from it, so that they can be more calm, confident, elegant and natural in life. You should not please anyone, but you are more willing. May every woman meet her most beautiful self in the encounter with the true color of plane trees!

Style orientation: femininity, French elegance, simplicity and refinement, natural comfort, health and environmental protection.

Age orientation: petty bourgeoisie, intellectual, literary and artistic, mature women who pursue quality of life.

Product category: women's bra, men's and women's home clothes, men's and women's warm clothes, women's suspenders, men's and women's underwear, swimwear, etc

  • Brand name Natural color of Chinese parasol
  • Franchise policy Franchise fee required
  • Brand grade Mid-range
  • Brand style Sexy underwear, home clothes
  • Supply discount rate Telephone details
  • Brand characteristics Lingerie

Brand advantages:

Product differentiation: fashion, nature, simplicity and comfort

Profit maximization: manufacturers deliver goods directly, eliminating intermediate agents, low purchase discounts and high product benefits.

Adhere to original design: establish the brand value of "spreading underwear fashion wear aesthetics"

Attract young customers: petty bourgeoisie, intellectual, literary and artistic, light and mature women who pursue quality of life

Fashionable brand image: create products with brand characteristics around three scenarios of "emotion, work and life"

Leading the trend of underwear: French elegance, simplicity and refinement, natural comfort, health and environmental protection.

Brand support

Free of franchise fee, free of design fee, full range of store output, props support

Site selection requirements: community street shops and shopping malls. Area requirement: more than 50 square meters

Other support: store decoration guidance, display guidance, opening planning, product knowledge training, store operation training

The investment budget for store landing takes a 50 square meter store as an example: the budget is about 150000 yuan (goods: 50000 yuan; container props: 30000 yuan; hard decoration budget: 30000 yuan; store rent: 30000 yuan (200 yuan/square meter/month, two deposits and one payment); Staff salary: 5000 yuan/person/month)

reminder: The above policy information is for reference only, please refer to "Chinese parasol true color underwear" The actual situation of the company shall prevail! According to Article 8 of the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Franchise, please carefully verify the qualifications of the franchisee.
Online consultation FEEDBACK
Enterprise name:
Foshan Wutong Natural Color Underwear Company
Investment hotline
contact number:
186 8927 9612
Brand classification:
Underwear brand
Guangdong underwear brand
Contact address:
10/F, Building A11, Guangfo Zhicheng, Dali, Nanhai
Brand website:
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/31
Last time I saw your clothes on a business trip, they drove very well there. I also want to join in. How about it?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/28
After reading the picture album, the style of clothes is very interesting. If you join the club, how much should you prepare in the early stage?
EF43 netizens Give a 4-star rating to the true color of Indus 05/22
This brand is quite famous
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/17
At present, the store has just been decorated, about 40-50 square meters. I want to join your brand, but I wonder if it meets the requirements?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/15
After joining the brand, if the clothes have tail stock, can they be exchanged?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/09
I like your clothes very much, but if you want to join in later, is it easy to sell?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/08
Can you join your brand in Weishi County?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/08
In the process of joining, the clothes are not easy to sell. Can you change to other styles?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/08
Can you represent your clothes? How much does the provincial representative charge?
EF43 netizens Give the true color of Indus a rating of 0 stars 05/08
Are there any requirements for joining this brand in the mall?
High quality underwear brand recommendation
Extraordinary curve
Herbs are extremely sparse
Ai Shuke
Plus one Shangpin
domestic and foreign
Foshan Wutong Natural Color Underwear Company( Indus natural color underwear )All rights reserved. Please carefully investigate the qualification of the enterprise
Business License of the People's Republic of China for Value added Telecommunications Business (Zhejiang B2-20110190)