Appreciation of Simple Product Display in Pierre Cardin Living Hall

December 19, 2014 Attention: 61106
Core tips

Yes Open an underwear store All experienced friends know that a successful Underwear shop , except that Location of underwear store and Underwear shop decoration In addition to paying more attention to Display Skills of Underwear Shop Pierre Cardin Living Hall As Pierre Cardin The one-stop shopping experience store for consumers has its unique views on product display. The overall simple display technique is one of the characteristics of Pierre Cardin Living Hall. In terms of details, it focuses on reflecting the complementarity between different products. In this topic, will study its display skills with you!

 Appreciation of Simple Product Display in Pierre Cardin Living Hall
Label: Pierre Cardin Living Hall Editor: Xiao Xin

Complementary display of products in Pierre Cardin Living Hall

For underwear stores, products in general stores are divided into many categories. So when displaying, how to present so many kinds of underwear requires some display techniques. Complementary display is the best way to solve this problem. It can not only present every category, but also make other product features more obvious because of their complementarity. This is used in the product display of Pierre Cardin Living Hall.

The product display of Pierre Cardin Living Hall is simple and light in overall style, giving a relaxed and spacious shopping environment. Pierre Cardin has three series of women's underwear, regular underwear and home clothes, so in terms of product display, it must present these three products at the same time and deliberately stack them. The complementary display in the above figure is mainly reflected in the complementarity of products; Three kinds of underwear series are displayed through shelves, models and Nakajima, or hung, placed or worn. Three different display models are integrated together, which can help consumers find the products they want to buy while highlighting Pierre Cardin's fashion sense.

The complementary display in the above figure is reflected in the complementary colors; The conventional underwear and lady's underwear of the same dark color system are cross displayed, so that the conventional underwear is not too dull, and the lady's underwear is not too loud, thus creating a harmonious shopping environment.

Special display of products in Pierre Cardin Living Hall

In addition to complementary display, special display is also a common display skill in underwear stores. In general, this kind of display technique can work well with complementary display. The special display of products in Pierre Cardin Living Hall shown in the figure, and the special display of conventional underwear on the left, from hanging display, pendulum display to model display, combine the three display methods to highlight the characteristics of Pierre Cardin's conventional underwear; The special display of women's underwear shown in the right picture uses a special shelf to hang or place the bra, and at the same time, it is matched in color to highlight women's femininity and fashion. This display mode, combined with the complementary display in the store, has great appeal to consumers, and is another expression of the characteristics of Pierre Cardin Living Hall.

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