-- the pioneer of online media of clothing brands , one of the top professional websites of fashion brands in China, provides a full range of online publicity and franchise services for clothing brands. It has incomparable advantages in fashion, brand, professionalism and authority, and has the most professional clothing brand database and industry information in China. Pursue the fastest, latest and most professional information update, lead the fashion trend, and effectively enhance the brand value.

  • Enterprise member

    Brands, manufacturers, traders, fabric enterprises, auxiliary material enterprises
    Machinery equipment enterprises, clothing software

  • Distribution channel members

    Entrepreneurs, online store operators, terminal stores, trustees, dealers
    Wholesalers and agents

  • Service organization member

    Management consulting, training institutions, advertising planning, clothing design/photography/props, testing institutions
    Department stores, wholesale markets, exhibitions, associations, e-commerce, real estate, media, colleges and universities

  • individual member

    Industry elites, industry experts, business managers, fashion designers, models, photographic stylists
    Fashion buyers, media people, industry leaders, consumers, job seekers

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