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Upload pictures
1. For complaints about brand or patent infringement, please upload the trademark registration certificate or patent certificate.
2. If the trademark or patent holder is a company, please upload the company's business license.
3. If the trademark or patent holder is an individual, please upload the photo with ID card.
4. Please list the infringing pictures and provide the relevant proof that the pictures are your own
5. If you are entrusted to deal with relevant infringement information, you need to upload the relevant authorization certificate.
6. Picture format: jpg, png, up to ten pictures.
Upload attachments
1. Attachments can be uploaded in the following formats: rar, zip, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv.
2. You can upload up to one attachment. If you need to upload multiple attachments, please compress them into one attachment.
3. The size of a single file cannot exceed 20M.
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