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Wukang Chunhui Community
www.dqnews.com.cn 2011-06-02 Deqing News Network

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         Chunhui Community, located in Wukang Town, Deqing County, was established in July 2005; The community starts from Yongping Road in the east, Quyuan Road in the west, Wuyang Street in the south and Wuyuan Street in the north; It covers an area of 1.56 square kilometers and has 9 residential areas, including Sunshine Garden, Blue Harbor, Meidu Modern City, Huinan Residential Area, Yinlong Mountain Villa, Xiangyi Mountain Villa, Greentown Osmanthus City, Landscape City (under construction), Chengnan Residential Area (under construction), etc; There are 632 residential buildings, 1133 households, 24 resident groups, and a total population of 4958, including 2633 registered population and 2325 migrant population; The Party branch has 3 Party groups; There are 47 registered party members (including 1 probationary party member, 15 women, 6 people aged 60 and above, 36 people aged 35 and below, 13 people with junior college degree and above, and 20 people with junior high school and below), and 125 registered party members; The office is located in Huinan Community, Dongsheng Street, with an office area of 400 square meters; There are 4 administrative institutions within the jurisdiction; The community co construction units are the Women's Federation, the Disabled Persons' Federation, the People's Procuratorate, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Bureau of Agriculture, the Sports Bureau, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Post Office, the Telecommunications Bureau, and the Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

         The sunshine service post station of Chunhui Community includes reading room, activity room, volunteer party member volunteer studio, etc. The post station is a regional, open and professional party building work carrier established according to the characteristics of community party members, such as wide distribution, fast mobility, strong autonomy, diverse needs, etc, There are eight service sections of "Sunshine Online, Warm Harbor, Caring Services, Modern Homeland, Community Culture, Quality Cultivation, Settle in Paradise, and Green Life". The community party branch closely combines community work with these eight sections to implement the work of "post station". At the same time, by integrating resources within the jurisdiction of the community, actively exchange various organizational resources of the community party with community party members, and provide a service sharing platform for community party members, truly build a warm home for community party members, and an important window for party organizations and party members to serve the masses.

        Main achievements: The community sunshine service post station is an effective carrier for Party members to communicate, learn and help each other. Through the post station platform, the Party spirit of Party members has been improved, and a good situation has gradually formed, from passive participation in community construction to active contribution to the community, from self centeredness to serving others, which has really played a role model among the masses, Thus, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the community party organizations have been improved. At the same time, by effectively carrying out the activities of Party members serving the community and residents, the residents' sense of identity and belonging to the community has also been strengthened.

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