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Wukang Juren Community
www.dqnews.com.cn 2011-06-02 Deqing News Network

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The Juren Community in Wukang Town was formed by the merger of the original three neighborhood committees of Juren, Chaoyang and Yingxi in May 2002. The area under its jurisdiction extends to Yingxi North Road in the east, Yingxi River in the south, National Highway 104 in the west and Provincial Highway 09 in the north. Total area of the community: 0.99 square kilometers. As of the end of July 2008, there were 3848 households with a total resident population of 10785, including 8029 registered population and 2756 migrant population, divided into 27 resident groups. There are 168 full party members in the community party branch, 48 volunteer party members in the community office, and 9 community staff. The office is located at 34 Xingkang North Road, with an office area of 150 square meters; There are 4 administrative institutions and 5 enterprises within the jurisdiction; The community co construction units include the CPPCC Office, the United Front Work Department, the Development and Reform Commission, radio and television stations, the Urban Management Bureau, the Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the Agricultural Development Bank, China Construction Bank, and the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau.

The "Sunshine Service Posthouse" of Juren Community has set up volunteer service room, party member service contact point and other institutions, and has opened up seven major projects and 22 small columns, including warm sunshine service, sunshine online service, care online activities, living and working in peace service, and convenient life service. Through the "Four Covenants": First, to invite the community residents to listen to the public opinion; Second, it is about serving party members to serve the community; The third is to discuss community construction and seek common development with the person in charge of the co construction unit; Fourth, we will appoint special groups of Party members to solve special difficulties. Gradually form a chain service mechanism of "community party organizations serve party members, and group masses serve the community". Through the "Five Ones", that is, to establish a volunteer service room, a volunteer team, a community service website, a Sunshine Mutual Aid Group, and a publicity and education (quality education and health education) platform, gradually improve the service carrier, and provide high-quality, convenient, and voluntary services to the majority of Party members and residents in the community, Actively create a good atmosphere in which everyone cares, participates in public welfare undertakings and serves others to build a harmonious society.

Since the establishment of Sunshine Service Posthouse, it has played a certain role in community construction and achieved certain results. 1. The volunteer team composed of community party members, party volunteers and residents often carries out activities to clean up the disorderly stacking, persuade to clean up the sanitary dead corner, and green maintenance, contributing to the clean environment of the community; The volunteer patrol team set up will patrol the area twice a week to carry out mass prevention and mass governance activities to ensure the safety of one party. 2. Through the community labor security studio platform, employment network, the efforts of the unemployed and the assistance of the community, a total of 205 unemployed people in the community are employed in enterprises, 159 people are engaged in self-employed self-employed businesses, enjoy the preferential policy support for reemployment, and successfully achieve reemployment. 3. On the community health day on the 20th of every single month organized by the community, through the community medical service station and the county disease control center, the elderly residents in the community were provided with free simple health examination, health care knowledge consultation, and health education lectures to help the community residents better understand health care knowledge. This activity was unanimously praised by the elderly friends in the community. 4. The community has a large number of elderly people. The community takes the lead in issuing service coupons for the elderly, disabled and other five categories of elderly people to provide domestic services for the elderly in the community and help solve some home lock problems that are beyond their ability. More than 100 elderly people and more than 20 disabled people in the area have enjoyed the service coupons.

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