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National karaoke

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 National karaoke

National karaoke

Type: Video playback Version: v8.18.38.278 Size: 139.06MB Updated: 2024-02-24 Language: Chinese Grade: Platform: Android system Manufacturer: Tencent Music Entertainment Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

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 National karaoke  National karaoke  National karaoke  National karaoke  National karaoke
[Official singing and friendship platform, recommended by 800 million people]
-Create easily anytime, anywhere, and let your stage be seen by the world
-Massive high-quality accompaniment music library, new songs and hot songs can be found everywhere you want to sing
-Chorus: Sing the same song with friends from all over the world, and act in the same frame with stars
-Live broadcast: people who are good-looking, interesting and interesting are here, and they can also play cross room PK by themselves as anchors
-Sing fast, recite, sing quietly... There's always a way you like to perform

[Singing room group chat: chat about fighting songs and make friends]
-Singing room: singing, making friends and playing games, real-time interaction is more interesting
-Group chat: works exchange and mutual praise, easy to meet new song friends
-Beat the microphone: Beat the song and compete for speed to see who is the small music library
-Family: It's fate to meet friends with songs, and the world's song friends belong to one family
-Voice action chorus: real-time chorus matched by two people, and unlimited singing and chatting with each other when the light is on

[Short video: secret of making music more beautiful]
-Cool short videos can be shot at will, and good sound is worth being interpreted
-Smooth full screen recording, more able to add lyrics background with one key

[New sound effect: perfect singing, one click creation]
-Song recording: KTV mode is upgraded, and full screen MV lyrics in large characters are easier to sing
-Sound effect: new sound effect comes, making the song more beautiful
-Sound mixing console: intelligent sound correction black technology, it is easier to sing well and accurately, and refined sentence by sentence is under your control
-Practice singing: AI takes you to appreciate singing skills
-Smart harmony: the beauty of harmony effect is upgraded again, and the live special effects of variety shows will bless you

[More exciting]
-TV projection: support the projection of works to TV broadcast, and the whole family enjoy the beautiful moment

Updated content of national karaoke 2024

[Sing to the end] Come to the singing room to join the chorus PK contest and see who can sing to the end!

Relevant versions of national karaoke

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