Circular of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of the Announcement System of the Subject Matter of Television Documentary

Published at 17:31, February 18, 2013 | Source: China Documentary Network| Watch news on mobile phone

Radio, Film and Television Bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Radio and Television Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Propaganda Department of the General Administration of the PLA, CCTV, China Film Group Corporation, China New Film Group, China Education Television, central and national relevant units:

In recent years, the creation and production of TV documentaries in China have become increasingly active, and the output and quality have been continuously improved, showing a good momentum of development. In accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on Printing and Distributing Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Documentary Industry (GF [2010] No. 88), in order to further prosper the television documentary market, promote the healthy and orderly development of television documentary creation and production, help the documentary industry to timely understand the subject information of television documentary, and attract social forces to participate in the creation and production of television documentary, To avoid the problems of subject matter crash and resource waste, and promote the formation of a good situation of rich subject matter, scientific layout, resource optimization, high-quality products and talents in the creation and production of TV documentaries. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has implemented the announcement system of TV documentary subject matter since 2013, summarizing the creation and production of national TV documentaries, Sino foreign co production, and the introduction of overseas TV documentaries (including materials) And other subject information to the public. The relevant work is hereby notified as follows:

1、 The television documentary referred to in this Notice refers to the television film that takes the natural world and human society as the performance object, non fiction real records as the performance method, and public broadcasting as the display channel.

2、 The themes of TV documentaries are summarized at the central and provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) levels, and the SARFT has a unified announcement system.

(1) The institutions under the jurisdiction of the central and relevant national units plan to produce information on the subject matter of television documentaries, Sino foreign co production television documentaries, and the introduction of television documentaries (including material) from abroad, and report it to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

(2) The propaganda department of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army will summarize the information on the subject matter of TV documentaries, Sino foreign co production TV documentaries and the introduction of TV documentaries (including material) from abroad, and then report it to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

(3) Local institutions planning to produce TV documentary subject information, Sino foreign co production TV documentary subject information, and introduce TV documentary (including material) subject information from abroad shall be summarized by the provincial radio, film and television administrative department where they are located and reported to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

3、 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) summarized and analyzed the subject information of national television documentaries. After communication and coordination with the production agencies, it formulated the National Catalogue of Television Documentaries and announced it to the public.

4、 Domestic TV documentaries and their production organizations listed in the National Catalogue of TV Documentary Topics can give priority to participating in the projects recommended by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China and supported by the annual outstanding domestic documentaries and creative talents.

5、 If it is necessary to change the title, number of episodes and production organization of TV documentaries listed in the National Catalogue of TV Documentary Topics, they shall be resubmitted in accordance with Article 2 of this Notice.

6、 All provincial radio, film and television administrative departments should attach great importance to the creation and production of documentaries, conscientiously organize the collection of TV documentary themes, especially the collection of TV documentary themes of social production institutions, improve service awareness, promote development and prosperity with services.

7、 The subject matter announcement of TV documentaries is half a year. In January of each year, a national announcement on the theme of TV documentaries for the first half of the year will be issued. The central and relevant national units, the military system, and the provincial radio, film and television administrative departments are requested to report the theme of TV documentaries for the first half of the year to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television before January 1. In July of each year, a national announcement on the theme of TV documentaries in the second half of the year will be issued. The central and relevant national units, the military system, and the provincial radio, film and television administrative departments should report the theme of TV documentaries in the second half of the year to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television before July 1.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) shall print and distribute the announcement on the theme of TV documentaries to the central and relevant national units, the military system, and the provincial radio, film and television administrative departments, and simultaneously publish it to the public through the SARFT government website and the China Documentary Network for reference.

8、 In the first half of 2013, the central and national relevant units, the military system, and the provincial radio, film and television administrative departments should report the theme of TV documentaries to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television before April 20, 2013.

9、 The subject matter of TV documentaries must be submitted in the form formulated by SARFT (see the annex), one by one, and sent by EMS (concurrent electronic version, e-mail: )。

Please send the summary materials of domestic TV documentaries to the Propaganda Management Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, No. 2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing, 100866. Tel: 010 86092361; Fax: 010 86092693.

The summary materials of Chinese and foreign co produced TV documentaries and imported TV documentaries (including materials) from abroad should be sent to the International Cooperation Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, No. 2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing, 100866. Tel: 010 68020753; Fax: 010 68010174.

10、 This Notice shall be implemented as of the date of issuance. All relevant units shall convey the information to the relevant organizations of TV documentaries under their jurisdiction as soon as possible to ensure that the relevant organizations accurately understand and implement the requirements of the notice.

Notice is hereby given

State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

January 25, 2013

Attachment: 1 Domestic TV Documentary Theme Information Table

2、 Subject Information of Sino foreign Co production TV Documentary

3、 Information Table of Theme of Introduced Overseas TV Documentary (Including Materials)

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Edited by: Yuan Hang Editor in charge:
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