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Aa Goddess List Book brief introduction

List book It is also called the book signing, which is a special kind Calligraphic font There are special calligraphers. Li Si of the Qin Dynasty is the first one to write the list book. In writing, the list books generally pay attention to pointing to the truth, palm drop, etc., and the written characters are more powerful and regular.

In the ancient civilization period, in 1046 BC, there was an earth shaking battle between the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty in the land of China. The change of dynasties and the vicissitudes of events left a strong ink on the bamboo slips. By the reign of Jiajing and Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, the emperors of these two dynasties both advocated faithfulness and showed great respect for Taoists. This trend gradually spread from the imperial court to the folk, providing fertile soil for the literary creation of this type of magic novels. The representative work is Journey to the West. In the late 16th century, another novel that can be compared with Journey to the West in terms of influence came out.

The author and the date of the book of "The Legend of Gods" have not been determined by the academic community. There are many versions in the modern communication process. The earlier version is now stored in the Japanese cabinet library. It is also called "The Legend of Gods", "The Legend of Gods", "The External History of King Wu's Attacking Zhou", "The Complete Biography of Last Week's Countries" and so on. It is commonly known as "The Legend of Gods", a total of 20 volumes, 100 chapters. It is generally believed that it is the integration, editing, sorting and writing of a number of stories about King Wu's capture of Zhou that have been circulating for a long time. It is a collective creation accumulated in previous dynasties, and it was completed independently by non literati. It was completed in the Wanli period of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty. Taking King Zhou of Yin as an example, Jiang Taigong assisted King Zhou in raising his troops to fight against him. Taking the history of the Shang Dynasty of the Zhou Dynasty as a background, he interpreted and intercepted the involvement of various immortals in the two religions - elucidating and assisting King Wu of Zhou, intercepting and assisting King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, and integrating a large number of folk legends and myths; The two sides of the war each held rare treasures to fight for wisdom, courage and methods, and launched a grand fight to death; In the end, King Zhou was defeated and burned himself, King Wu won the title of marquis, and Jiang Taigong granted the title of god as the ending of the story.

The Story of Gods is not only popular with communicators, but also has won the favor of the general audience. In the early 1980s, with the development of video technology, this novel was adapted into a TV series for many times, such as the 1981 version of Yu Ziming, 1986 version of Zhou Danwei, 1989 version of Liang Li, etc. Among them, Fu Yiwei's version of "Goddess List" jointly produced by Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland in 1990 is the most consistent with the original work and close to historical facts. In the 20th century, film and television undoubtedly played a leading role in the spread of classical culture. In a sense, whether literary classics were adapted into film and television has also become an aspect of measuring their value and influence. The Romance of Gods also ranks among the "top ten best-selling classical novels in China" in the modern communication process, and has long been considered as the best supernatural novel after Journey to the West, with wide influence.

Making ancient costume TV plays is to follow the track of history; Designed to have Ancient font It is also to recall the prosperity of history in the new era. Shen Congwen once said, "If we engage in painting and sculpture of historical themes, so that the props designers who engage in historical themes can improve their work to be as serious as they should be, we'd better start from realism and identify the things that must be understood in the themes. On this basis, we can add some romanticism and personal imagination. If the combination of the two is just right, our achievements will be better."

The calligraphy style of Feng Shen Bang is superimposed with the texture written with gouache on the square black body, which is horizontal, vertical, upright and thick, especially suitable for Movie Poster Or movie style poster propaganda. Compared with the movie poster font, it will be more solemn, and Nostalgic movie fonts It's more than that Hand-painted Interest; After it is combined with the picture, it will be like the beauty Daji in the "Gods List", who is as powerful as the country and turns the world upside down. It is very easy to attract the attention of the public, so that the audience can feel carefully and appreciate the charm of carefully designed fonts.

The Romance of Gods warmly praised the benevolent King Wu and his prime minister Jiang Ziya, and mercilessly criticized the tyrannical and immoral King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, showing the author's progressive ideas. But it also has a lot of feudal ethical concepts of "loyalty to the monarch" and "women are the bane" that need us to treat rationally - just like the use of the book form of the god list, we also need to explore the scenes that can best show its charm, and let it be your Design Add color.

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