The Qishi Town, Dongguan, China column _ Dongguan Municipal People's Government portal page has been opened. This page is composed of 52 window areas and 52 regions in total. For operation help, please press the Alt+question mark key.
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  • Hundreds of millions, "Guan" - Jiangbian Village, Qishi Town in summer

  • When Xi Jinping attended the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation, he strongly

  • The sixth meeting of the seventeenth People's Congress of Qishi Town was held

  • Qishi Town held the ecological environment protection meeting in 2023

  • On the promotion of high quality by the State Council in 2023

Work trends Notice announcement

Focus News

newest Change equipment, change cars, change appliances...... 12
The fund of 300 billion yuan was fully allocated, and the new energy vehicles in August

From September 23 to 25, the National Development and Reform Commission held three special conferences to introduce the overall progress and effectiveness of the "two new" policy.

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the current economy

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 26 The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on September 26 to analyze and study the current economic situation and deploy the next economic work. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. The meeting held that today

300 billion treasury bonds have been issued and support policies have been fully launched

The National Development and Reform Commission held a special conference on September 23 to introduce the overall progress and effectiveness of the "two new" policies. According to the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, in March this year, the State Council issued the "Promotion of Large Scale..."

newest Revocation and cancellation of road transport business license
The announcement on revoking and canceling the road transport business license has been verified. For 783 invalid businesses whose road transport business license number is "empty", such as Chen Aijia, our branch bureau has, in accordance with the fifth
Dongguan Transportation Bureau Qishi Branch Fixed Assets Disposal Bidding

Bidding Announcement for Disposal of Fixed Assets of Qishi Branch of Dongguan Transportation Bureau I, Name of Disposal Assets, Office Equipment and Furniture (see Annex for details) II, Disposal Method Open to the Public Bidding III, Qualified

On the cancellation of the Road Transport Business License for motor vehicle maintenance businesses

Notice on Cancellation of Road Transport Business Licenses of Motor Vehicle Maintenance Businesses The validity period of Road Transport Business Licenses of 18 motor vehicle maintenance businesses (see annex) in the jurisdiction has expired, and they have not been filed as required. Root

Announcement on Cancellation and Cancellation of Road Transport Business License

After verification, six road cargo transport operators such as Dongguan Youyou Express Co., Ltd. do not meet the conditions of the original license or have not been renewed due to the expiration of the period of validity of the administrative license. Our branch bureau, according to Article 55 of the Road Transport Regulations of Guangdong Province

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Li Huiqin

Secretary of the Town Party Committee

Yuan Jianwen

Deputy Secretary of the Township Party Committee and Township Head

Focus on new media

Official Official Account

Mobile phone version of Qishi Town
Qishi Town, Dongguan, China Column _ Qishi Town, Dongguan, China Column
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