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Self satisfied life - Wuhan life consumption community Section Forum Handbook Privacy Agreement and Disclaimer of Self satisfied Life Network (must read before using this website)

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Privacy Agreement and Disclaimer of Self satisfied Life Network (must read before using this website) [Copy Link]

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Privacy Agreement and Disclaimer of Self satisfied Life Website

Privacy protection:
A proud life Respect and protect the personal information and privacy of all users. In order to provide users with a more accurate and secure Internet environment at the same time, we have clarified our principles of collecting/using/providing personal information to the outside world in accordance with the Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Personal Information Security Specification for Information Security Technology and other relevant laws, regulations and technical specifications, and will further elaborate on the rights related to users' personal information.
This policy is closely related to our products and/or services you use. When you download, install, start, browse, register, log in, and use our products and/or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "using our products and/or services"), we will process and protect your personal information in accordance with this policy. We try our best to explain the technical terms involved in this policy to you in a concise way for your understanding. We have used bold font to distinguish the clauses in this policy that are (may be) significantly related to your rights and interests. Please focus on them.
The Happy Life specially draws the attention of minors under 18 years old (especially children under 14 years old) and their guardians. We have made it clear that the special chapter for the protection of minors (in bold), please read it carefully.
Please carefully read and fully understand this policy before using/continuing to use our products and services, and make appropriate choices according to the guidance of this policy when necessary. If you do not agree with the content of this policy, it may cause our products and/or services to fail to operate normally, or fail to achieve the service effect we intend to achieve, you should immediately stop accessing/using our products and/or services. Your use or continued use of the products and/or services provided by us means that you fully understand and agree to all the contents of the Privacy Policy for Self satisfied Users (including the updated version).
This privacy policy is applicable to all products and services of Splendid Life. If a certain product has a separate privacy policy, the privacy policy of the product will prevail. For the content not covered by the privacy policy of this product, the content of this privacy policy shall prevail. For the content in conflict between the privacy policy of this product and this privacy policy, the product privacy policy shall prevail.
I Collect and use personal information
The products and services of Self Life Platform apply to a unified account system. When you register your Self Life account, you must at least provide us with the account name, mobile phone number and/or e-mail address, and create a password In addition to identifying your identity, the registration information will also be used in other service related functional scenarios. For example, we will use the collected information (such as your mobile phone number, e-mail address) to communicate or interact with you directly. To ensure the security of your account number and property, risk control and defense, when you register/log in your account, We will collect your device information and information related to the registration/login environment.
one : Account registration and login
two : Provide you with products and/or services
2、 Special circumstances concerning the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information
one : We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual, unless one or more of the following circumstances exist:
(1) Obtain explicit authorization from the user in advance;
(2) You proposed it yourself;
(3) Necessary sharing with business partners
(4) When government departments, judicial authorities, etc. require this website to disclose personal registration information or records left when using services on this website in accordance with legal procedures, this website will provide them in accordance with the requirements of law enforcement units or for the purpose of public security;
5) Violate relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this website service agreement;
(6) Based on the need to safeguard social public interests;
(7) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this website;
(8) Other circumstances deemed necessary by this website.
(9) Our website takes measures to protect the security of user information, but we will not be responsible for the leakage of user information in the following cases:
(9.1) Any personal data and any user privacy or personal information leaked, lost, stolen or altered due to force majeure affecting the normal operation of the network, such as computer problems, hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion or attacks, or temporary shutdown caused by government regulation;
(9.2) Disclosure of personal data caused by users' informing others of their passwords, transferring their accounts, lending them to others or making them available to others in other forms.
two : Public disclosure
Public disclosure is the act of releasing information to the society or unspecified groups. In principle, we will not publicly disclose your personal information. Except for the following cases:
(1) Display necessary relevant desensitization information when publishing the notice of winning the prize and punishment of the account;
(2) With your express consent.
3: Exceptions to the authorization of sharing, transferring and public disclosure of personal information
root According to relevant laws and regulations, we may share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information without your prior authorization and consent in the following cases:
one On the premise that users abide by this agreement and the rules of the website, this website will fully protect the non-public information stored on this website, such as user registration data, except for the following circumstances:
(1) Related to our performance of our obligations under laws and regulations, including disclosure of your personal information to competent authorities in accordance with legal provisions, mandatory requirements of judicial or administrative authorities; In this case, we will require the disclosure requesting party to issue effective legal documents corresponding to its request, and take security measures that comply with laws and industry standards for the disclosed information;
(2) Directly related to national security and national defense security;
(3) Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;
(4) And criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence Decision execution and related matters are directly related;
(5) To protect your or other personal life and property And relevant significant legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;
(6) Your personal information disclosed to the public;
(7) Personal information collected from legally disclosed information: legal news reports, government information disclosure and relevant channels.
(8) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
Please understand that, in accordance with the existing legal provisions and regulatory requirements, sharing and transferring personal information that has been de identified, and ensuring that the data receiver can not recover and re identify the subject of personal information, there is no need to notify you and obtain your consent.
3、 We will legally store and protect your personal information
4、 Users can manage their personal information independently. Happy Life attaches great importance to and fully protects the relevant rights of users' personal information.
one : Receive information independently
two : Access, acquisition, correction and deletion of personal information copy:
3: Change or withdrawal of authorization scope
four : Contact us for management
V Users can log off their personal accounts on their own, and their personal information will be removed from Happy Life, provided that they meet the conditions for account logout
6、 If there are special instructions for products and/or services provided by the third party, users can choose whether to accept them or not.
7、 We use cookies and other similar technologies, and users can choose to accept or reject them.
VIII We attach importance to the protection of minors' personal information. Minors (especially children under 14 years of age) need guardians to decide whether to accept or reject this policy after full understanding.
9、 We reserve the right to update or revise this policy from time to time. In case of any update of this policy, we will notify the user in a reasonable manner.


one The information provided by this website is for reference only, and this website does not assume any legal liability arising from the user's use. Users need to judge the authenticity and legitimacy of the information they obtain through this website. At the same time, this website does not bear the legal liability arising from users' illegal activities or other improper behaviors using this website.
When a third party believes that the information published or uploaded by users on this website infringes their rights, and according to the Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Information Network Communication When the relevant laws and regulations and the rules of this website send the notice of rights to this website, or when the above-mentioned related disputes enter into litigation, arbitration or other dispute settlement procedures, The user agrees that the website can decide to delete the information suspected of infringement at its own discretion without assuming any legal liability. Unless the user submits written evidence to exclude the possibility of infringement or effective legal documents determine that the user's aforementioned behavior does not constitute an infringement of the rights of a third party, the website will not automatically restore the deleted information.
three This website cannot guarantee that the network service will meet the user's requirements, nor can it guarantee the timeliness, continuity, security and accuracy of the network service.
four This website does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the external links set for the convenience of users. At the same time, this website does not assume any responsibility for the content on any page that is not actually controlled by this website.
five This website will not bear any responsibility for network service interruption or other defects caused by force majeure or reasons beyond the control of this website, but will try to reduce the loss and impact caused to users.
six All contents provided by this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, etc., are uploaded or released by users themselves. This website does not review and guarantee the authenticity and legality of these contents.
This website may provide third-party services or links according to the needs of users. This website does not assume any responsibility for the authenticity and legitimacy of these contents. Please judge its authenticity and legitimacy by yourself.

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