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2024 Qintai Grand Theater&Qintai Concert Hall&Linkong Grand Theater "Open the Door to Art" Summer Children's Art Festival [Copy Link]

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Published at 2024-6-3 16:04 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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A variety of performance projects      Interesting and vivid summer camp
Lead children into the art kingdom
Watering children's dreams with love    Enrich children's childhood with art
full-court 20-100 yuan super value ticket price
Take you to open ——
 Qintai Concert Hall. jpg
"One summer vacation will affect a child's life"
"Open the door to art" is a series of brand performances created by Poly Cinema for many years for the art and cultural education of young people, which aims at enlightening young children in art and culture A variety of children's boutique plays are launched every summer Has Rich aesthetic education, popularization and interaction Art experience activities
After more than half a year of planning, 2024 Qintai Grand Theater&Qintai Concert Hall&Wuhan Lingkong Port Grand Theater The "Open the Door to Art" Summer Art Festival is about to open in early July, and the annual family carnival is about to open! A few days ago, the three theaters jointly carried out online synchronized ticketing, with a total of 58 projects and 64 performances, which amazed the cultural table in Wuhan during the summer. During the performance, the theater will also hold various cultural experiences and summer camps to create a rich summer entertainment life for young people!
Continuing the consistent purpose, this performance series still adopts RMB 20-100 for the whole journey , designed to rich Youth Summer Life, art popularization and public welfare these years , the performance brand get Has government And other cultural departments Highly appraised and broad Teenagers and parents audience Of Very high satisfaction, Established good Of Social image.

 Qintai Grand Theater - Children's Play "Mi Xiaoquan: Me from the Future". jpg
 Qintai Grand Theater - Summer Camp.jpg
 Qintai Grand Theater - Ukrainian parent-child interactive drama Crazy Waste Paper World. jpg
 Airport Grand Theater - Treasure Hunting in the Library - Children's Music Story. jpg

 Qintai Grand Theater - Interactive parent-child science drama Fantasy Science Show - Physics. jpg
 Qintai Grand Theater - "I am born to be useful - Follow Li Bai to learn poetry". jpg

 Qintai Concert Hall - 2024 Summer Art Festival Opening Concert. jpg

qintai grand theatre two thousand and twenty-four "Open the door of art“ The Summer Art Festival has been held this year tenth six session , as the summer file of Qintai Grand Theater Fixed brand column Objectives, In the vast majority of young people year In the expectation of the family seven eight month Take you feel Parent child interaction drama, Shanghai style puppet intangible cultural heritage art, classic ancient poetry, magic interaction show, musical drama etc. one 3 projects one 8 colorful performances. At the opening ceremony, performances such as "Born in Heaven, Must Be Useful - Follow Li Bai's Poems", Ukrainian parent-child interaction drama "Crazy Waste Paper World", and interactive parent-child science drama "Fantastic Science Show - Physics" will be welcomed by both large and small audiences on the stage of Qintai Grand Theater for the first time. Continuing the purpose of education and entertainment in previous years, this year's "Open the door of art" Series, on show On the basis of still Arranged Phase 5 Summer camp There are drama summer camps to inherit the quintessence of Chinese culture, and also poetry summer camps to spread national music culture At the same time, this year will also be held 3 public welfare activities, performing with artists, recruiting small volunteers for the theatre, Let children understand art more closely Love, appreciate and inherit art
Qintai Concert Hall 2024 "Open the door of art" The summer art festival will to Opening on July 5 and closing on August 25, cover 29 wonderful performances, symphony, piano, vocal music, organ, folk music, percussion, film audio-visual each Performances Are unique , Opera and Rock《 Saint Three of England ——Boys' Choir Concert 》Summer Night in Vienna ——Wang Zijun's Classical Piano Solo Concert and other performances will be Expressing different cultural connotations Children's Choir of Qintai Concert Hall will also come on stage to sing "Shining Us" Lively in form and novel in content Live audience Feel the infinite charm of literary and artistic creation to the full Show the talent and creativity of artists Attractive and immersive.
Wuhan Airport Grand Theater The 2024 "Open the Door to Art" Summer Art Festival will have 16 projects and 17 performances from July 9 to September 1. Wonderful performances such as Super Flying Hero's "Many Helps" and English children's parent-child interactive concert "Baby Love Rock" will enable teenagers to spend the summer feast full of fantasy, music and knowledge.
After each performance, you can also enjoy the sweet and delicious Baxi ice cream for free!
2024 "Open the door to art", let art help children grow, let Joy accompanies the whole summer vacation
 Qintai Concert Hall Ticket Information.jpg
  Qintai Grand Theater Ticketing Information.jpg
 Ticket information of Airport Grand Theater.jpg
Qintai Grand Theater Ticketing Consultation Phone 027-84803018
Qintai Concert Hall Ticketing Consultation Phone 027-81880089
Ticket consultation telephone of Airport Grand Theater 027-83061866
For the specific ticket information of the above theaters, please follow the WeChat official account of each theater

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