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An appointment to travel across mountains and seas to bosom friends -- A tour group of New Zealand tourists visiting Hubei [Copy Link]

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Published on 2024-5-29 15:01 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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May 26-29, 2024, from Flight Center House of Travel New Zealand China Travel Service, Air New Zealand and other well-known travel agencies and airlines in New Zealand New Zealand Travel Agency Tour Group Sixteen people visited Hubei and investigated many tourist attractions and routes in the province, such as Yellow Crane Tower, Provincial Museum, Zhiyin, Wudang Mountain, etc.
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Hubei is the third stop of the New Zealand tour group's eight day trip in China, except Beijing and Shanghai. The historical and cultural attractions such as the Hubei Provincial Museum, the Yellow Crane Tower, and the Wudang Mountain ancient buildings make the members feel the long history and profound Chinese culture.
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(Visit Hubei Provincial Museum)
   They were also deeply impressed by the magnificent and beautiful natural landscapes such as the Yangtze River, East Lake and Wudang Mountain, the immersive art performance of the Zhiyin, and the rich and delicious Chu cuisine such as Wuchang fish and crayfish.
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(on Group photo of "Zhiyin" and local tourists in Wuhan)
   In many scenic spots in Hubei, New Zealand tourists pass POS machine swipe card, WeChat payment and other ways to buy favorite cultural and creative goods and gifts, and experience convenient payment services.     
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(Through convenient WeChat payment mode purchase "Yellow Crane Tower" Cultural Creative Ice Cream
And take photos and clock in)
    In Hubei -At the New Zealand Tourism Matchmaking Forum, Hubei travel agents, on behalf of China Travel Agency in Hubei Province, carried out the promotion of tourism routes with the theme of "perceiving the Three Gorges along the Yangtze River" and "seeking dreams in Shennongjia"; New Zealand Travel Agency Delegation "Auckland - Shanghai -Wuhan Wudang Mountain Beijing Auckland 8 days 7 nights ”This one Travel route products have carried out consumption experience evaluation and put forward optimization suggestions and sales plans Lisa Li、 Patrick McCarthy shared his feelings and gains during his travel in Hubei, and I would like to thank Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism for its strong support for this event.
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(In Hubei -At the docking forum of New Zealand tourism enterprises, General Manager of New Zealand CTS Lisa Li and House of Travel Ponsonby Operator Patrick McCarthy Share the experience of Hubei tourism routes)
The New Zealand travel agent's trip to China was initiated and organized by Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Auckland Chinese Culture Center, New Zealand China Travel Service, Air China International, Air New Zealand and other organizations. It is also a cross sea trip for the New Zealand tourism industry The specific measures of "bosom friend Hubei, meet the blooming flowers".
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(To New Zealand Customized postcard of "Meeting in Spring and Cherry Blossoms"
On March 20, 2024, the 2024 "Meeting in Spring to Enjoy Cherry Blossoms" and the launch ceremony of Hubei Z Beauty Flower Season were held in Wuhan East Lake Cherry Garden. The relevant responsible persons of Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Hubei Provincial Postal Company and 17 prefectures of Hubei Province Cultural Tourism Bureau sent out customized postcards of "Meeting in Spring to Enjoy Cherry Blossoms", and sent sincere invitations to domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy flowers in Hubei. Director Li Shuyong said at the opening ceremony of the invitation: "My postcard will be sent to New Zealand, looking forward to the flower appreciation season of Hubei Zimei, meeting the spring scenery of Hubei Zimei, meeting you and me. My bosom friend Hubei, meeting everywhere!" Auckland Chinese Culture Center immediately publicized the postcard to local airlines and travel agencies after receiving it from Hubei ten thousand miles away, When planning the project of "New Zealand Travelers' Trip to China", Hubei was taken as the focus of the investigation, so as to make an appointment to go to Hubei, a bosom friend, to meet the blooming flowers.

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