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[Ceiling lighting] Is the design without main lamp really suitable for home decoration? No summary of advantages and disadvantages of main lamp! [Copy Link]

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No main lamp
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Many friends have some misgivings about the design of no main lamp. Is it suitable for home decoration design to have no main lamp at the top? Today, I specially collected the advantages and disadvantages of the design of the main lamp for you. I don't want to talk much nonsense. Let's follow me to learn about it~~
Advantages of no main lamp design:
As the name suggests, the design of no main lamp is to abandon the indoor main lamp and change it into the decentralized lighting mode of multi-point lamps. It is precisely because this unique light source layout makes the overall indoor space more exposed, which effectively avoids the problem of lighting dead corners.
The lamps without main lights are basically hidden in the ceiling and wall, so that the lighting light is refracted out, the overall visual sense is softer, and the overall space atmosphere is created with a sense of hierarchy. At the same time, the design of no main lights can be adjusted according to different home scenes, which can be called the most perfect humanized lighting design.
Disadvantages of no main lamp design:
The comprehensive cost of no main light design is extremely high. Although the cost of the lamps used is not much, it is important to pay attention to the lighting layout design cost. If we want to achieve the best indoor lighting effect, we need to hire professional lighting designers to carry out the lighting layout. Basically, the cost of no main light design in some parts is more than 10000 yuan.
The interior of many house types is not suitable for the design of unoccupied lights. The main reason is that the unoccupied light design has some installation conditions, and basically all the unoccupied light designs need to be equipped with suspended ceilings, so many floor heights are not very high house types themselves, and the visual sense will become particularly depressed after the forced addition of the unoccupied light design.
I believe you know something about the design of home decoration without main lights. The above is what Xiaobian brings you today about how to correctly select home decoration without main lights. I hope today's article introduction can provide you with effective home decoration help. Source:

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