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Self satisfied life - Wuhan life consumption community Section Decoration discussion [Home Decoration Diary] 153 square meters, four rooms and two halls, record excellent school district houses near the river beach, such as

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[Home Decoration Diary] 153 square meters, four rooms and two halls, record how the excellent school district houses near the river beach complete the renovation transformation! [Copy Link]

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four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine  
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Published on 2024-5-22 17:23 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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Wuhan Cuisine

Home Decoration Diary
properties for sale: Dahua Platinum Li Mansion
Decoration progress: Design
House type: Four rooms and two halls
Decoration style: modern
Decoration method: Half package
Color: white
Address: Dahua Platinum Li Mansion
the measure of area: 153㎡
Decoration style: Modern simplicity
Decoration company: QNSJ
Decoration supervision JLJ
Budget: Half package 6.7W

Hello, boys and girls, today the protagonist of this diary is in Qingshan, very close to Qingshan River Beach, and you can walk there! The greening of the community is also quite good. The buildings in the community are grouped together. Two or three buildings are divided into a group, which is relatively independent. It is also a different feeling to cooperate with the greening of the community!
Look directly at the house type diagram ↓↓↓

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This house type is a four bedroom and two living room pattern. The dining room area roughly divides the whole house into two parts. A separate room near the entrance door is used as an elderly room, separated from the other bedroom area, which is relatively independent and quiet. The three rooms in the quiet area are just one master bedroom and two children's rooms, which fit the distribution structure of the owner's permanent population. Let's have a look at the construction site!

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This is the entrance perspective. The corridor facing the entrance is the corridor in the quiet area of the bedroom!

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The routing in the guest dining room area is not very complicated. The layout of their guest dining room is relatively conventional. The living room is a three section layout of sofa, tea table and TV. The dining room is also dominated by tables, so slotting is relatively simple!

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This is the quiet area corridor, and the end is the master bedroom space. There are many grooves on the ground in this area, because all lines will lead to various areas from here, and this is the dense area of lines.

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This is the space of the daughter's room. There are two holes, one is the door hole, and the other is filled with a cabinet!

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This is the master bedroom space. The master bedroom is relatively large as a whole. The door of the master bathroom also avoids the area where the bed is placed, giving full consideration to the daily use habits.

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The daylighting in the bedroom is very good, and the owners of the large floating window did not choose to optimize it, so the subsequent installation can also play its own role!

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The toilet area has been divided into two areas, where the sanitary ware and washing place are separated into two areas that do not disturb each other, which makes life very convenient.

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The demolition and masonry of the kitchen is not very complicated. The flue and gas meter developers have reserved them, and the gas meter can be safely protected before construction!

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The balcony area is not ready for moving, so it can be used to stack things. The balcony should also be sealed later!

This is about the demolition and renovation stage of the suite. This apartment is an improved one for the owner's family, and it is mainly for the school district here. The environment and living convenience are not bad, so I chose here. For the choice of decoration, the owner still thinks that it is the designer's idea that fits in with his own, so that he can create the decoration he likes. For owners with two children, the environmental protection of materials is also a dimension of great importance.

Xiaobian will also continue to follow up the follow-up decoration of this house, and any new trends will be updated at the first time!

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Here is a small tomato that can't be proud of, and no decoration problem can escape my hand! Welcome to make friends with Little Tomato. WeChat: deyijia666 Come to me for decoration. You are satisfied!

 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24  

four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine  
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 Mobile Party

two floor
Published on 2024-5-22 17:24 | Only the author
Today, let's update the mud and wood node of this house. Because the house is very large, it is very effective. Let's have a look at the construction process with small tomatoes!

This is the hallway area. The space has been dug out to make a shoe cabinet. The entrance is the space for the elderly, so the position of the shoe cabinet is just right.

This living room is paved with tiles, which is simple, convenient and easy to take care of. That is to say, during the construction, the tiles should be smooth and tidy, and there will be no problems later!

This is the part of the restaurant, which is also the tile paving. The bright tiles selected by this family make the whole space more bright. The bright tiles throughout the house are also the choice of many families, and there must be an internal logic for the enduring!

The entrance of the corridor links the public area and the quiet area. At the other end of the corridor is the area of the master bedroom and the two daughter rooms. The movement of the house is not complicated, and it is easy for the design!

This is the master bedroom space. The trunking has been sealed, and the leveling of the floor and wall has been completed. After the main materials enter the site, the later installation work can begin!

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This is the situation of other bedrooms. This part is mainly for leveling. Each step is planned and linked. If this part is completed, the subsequent construction will be much simpler!

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This is the kitchen space. All the ceramic tiles have been put on the wall. Holes have been punched on the wall according to the types of pipes. The next step is to install the kitchen radio basin when it arrives!

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The wall of the bathroom has also been completely installed. The soft tiles instead of bright tiles are mainly used here. It's antiskid and easy to take care of!

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The balcony has been sealed, and sealing the balcony is also an important link in the whole decoration process. Sealing the balcony should be completed in the water and electricity stage, so as not to disturb the subsequent construction!

This is probably the effect of mud wood in this shop. After the follow-up process is advanced, I will follow up as soon as possible. Let's look forward to it together with me!

This post was finally edited by Yijia Xiaotomo at 17:26 on May 23, 2024
Here is a small tomato that can't be proud of, and no decoration problem can escape my hand! Welcome to make friends with Little Tomato. WeChat: deyijia666 Come to me for decoration. You are satisfied!

 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24  

four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine  
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 Mobile Party

three floor
Published on 2024-5-22 17:24 | Only the author
Occupy a building

 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24  

four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine  
Gold coin
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 Mobile Party

four floor
Published on 2024-5-22 17:24 | Only the author
Occupy a building

 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24  

four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine  
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 Mobile Party

five floor
Published on 2024-5-22 17:24 | Only the author
Occupy a building

 Rank: 12 Rank: 12 Rank: 12  

eighteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-three  
Gold coin
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 Certified merchants  Mobile Party

six floor
Published on 2024-5-23 08:57 | Only the author
have a look
If you want to stand out in the neighborhood decoration tide, choose landscape home decoration!
Local enterprises in Wuhan have focused on home decoration for 15 years. 6 stores in three towns are more convenient for decoration. 17764058183

 Rank: 12 Rank: 12 Rank: 12  

seven thousand three hundred and seventy-four  
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 Certified merchants  Mobile Party

seven floor
Published on 2024-5-28 13:56 | Only the author

 Rank: 12 Rank: 12 Rank: 12  

forty thousand eight hundred and forty-eight  
Gold coin
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 Certified merchants  Mobile Party

eight floor
Published on August 10, 2024-15:27 | Only the author

 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24 Rank: 24

fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-eight  
Gold coin
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 Certified merchants  Mobile Party  The 10th Anniversary of My Family

nine floor
Published on August 14, 2024 17:26 | Only the author
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