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Self satisfied life - Wuhan life consumption community Section Lama School Children The core of the debate on the distribution of students is the debate between the advantages and disadvantages of the regular classes and the hot classes in famous schools.

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[Parent communication] The core of the debate on the distribution of students is the debate between the advantages and disadvantages of the regular classes and the hot classes in famous schools. [Copy Link]

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Published on 2024-5-17 12:48 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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Unexpectedly, a post has caused such a big debate. I read the opinions of all the big men. The core issue of the debate about the distribution of students is the debate between the advantages and disadvantages of famous schools and regular schools and regular schools. This issue has been debated for many years. There are different opinions, which involve the so-called school district housing price value judgment. I just want to talk about my own ideas. Personally, I think that in Jiang'an District, the general classes of famous schools are probably better than the hot classes of general schools. First, define the famous schools in Jiang'an District, 2, 6 and 7; General school, except for 2, 6 and 7. There is no need to repeat about teachers, learning atmosphere, etc. The examinations of 2, 6, and 7 are arranged in the order of the whole grade. No matter which class, at least the school arrangement knows. Children know where better people are and what kind of height they can reach, which is to a large extent conducive to the growth of children. The regular school fire class lacks this repeated benchmarking, and the upper limit of children is easy to be limited. When he went to a famous high school, he found the gap and it took a long time to catch up.

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Published at 21:55, May 17, 2024 | Only the author
I was studying in the best local high school at 22:20 every day. After a one-year hot class, I broke up. Later, in parallel classes, there were 50 people in the whole class, and more than 211 people in 20 classes, of which 985 accounted for 8-12 (no specific person, ask later, afraid of memory bias). The 211 students were also from Hefei University of Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Central South University of Finance and Economics. Top grade high schools and general classes have enough conditions to push your children to good schools, which will not affect your children's future at all.

For example, just like sports training, 50 laps a day is the basic operation of a strong team. Those who are ambitious will increase their weight to 70 laps and 80 laps a day. A secondary high school may only have 30 laps a day. As a parent, you can tell your child that 30 laps is not enough. At least 50 laps are required. The child has never seen it before, and doesn't believe you at all. It is estimated that every day after 25 laps, people will complain bitterly. Just like the Chinese players who go to the European League, even if they go to the water dispenser, they will rise the ball when they come back. Advanced training and high intensity competition rhythm also drag the ability of the players. On the contrary, the big name players have been in the CSL for several years. They are very powerful when they first came here, and they have basically assimilated in 2-3 years. Don't be superstitious about all kinds of fire classes in ordinary high schools. This post was finally edited by listening to the voice of Hai Tao at 21:55 on May 17, 2024

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Published on 2024-5-20 21:27 | Only the author
At present, the hot classes from Mingchu to Puchu are heavily watered. After the lottery, the first class hot classes, the first class second class hot classes (the first two classes basically account for about 50% of Mingchu), the second class hot classes (at most two classes in a grade), and the first class ordinary classes should be selected Later, we will be free to enter the school nearby, so as to avoid learning and playing
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Published at 2024-6-7 10:44 | Only the author
reply Listen to the voice of Hai Tao 's post
In the past, this analogy could be used, but today I think it can't be used.
First of all, whether it is possible for the first echelon school general classes to involve the families to enter. There are many people who win the lottery to enter the junior high school department of the first echelon school. There are a lot of people mixed up. They don't rely on their real strength to get up, and it is not good to assess their ability.

Secondly, the educational system in Wuhan has been reformed, and the educational staff are no longer all staff teachers, and the contract system is in the majority. Then I think the teachers in the first echelon famous school fire class and the second echelon fire class are more likely to be prepared. The second echelon fire class may be better than the contract teacher. It is hard to say the situation of teachers in the general class. The class functions are different, and the task of teachers in the first echelon school and the second echelon school in the hot class should be to rush the four big nine, and the province should be exemplary. The head of the secondary fire squad has been demonstrated in the province, and most of the intermediate forces have been demonstrated in the city. The task of regular class is to rush the regular high speed line, so the tasks and division of labor are different. After all, junior high school students have to go out to report a high prevalence rate, which is a big indicator that everyone pays attention to.

Finally, the learning time of the first tier schools will inevitably lengthen, which involves the problem of distance. If the best hot class in the second tier schools is nearby, I don't think it is necessary to go to the second tier schools or ordinary classes, because each school above the teachers has a limited number of staff and can only set fire in the class. But children's need for food, shelter and sleep is better than the former. I think physical factors should be taken into account.

Of course, here on the river bank, we can only compare the first echelon schools with the second echelon schools. If the class is too large, the first echelon schools and the third echelon schools will not have to choose. It must be the first echelon schools.
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Published at 19:18, June 7, 2024 | Only the author
Zuishang520 Published on 2024-06-07 10:44

Reply to the post of listening to Haitao's voice

In the past, this analogy could be used, but today I think it can't be used. First of all, whether it is possible for the first echelon school general classes to involve the families to enter. There are many people who win the lottery to enter the junior high school department of the first echelon school. There are a lot of people mixed up. They don't rely on their real strength to get up, and it is not good to assess their ability. Second Martial

The teacher's level does not depend on that. In fact, if you have people inside the education system, you will know that many so-called "famous teachers" may really be related households. Some young teachers teach very well, but they can't take the initiative. In fact, there are many such teachers inside, and they are easy to be poached by famous schools. Do you think that even in the best school, there are only a few people who can carry all the best teachers in one class? impossible.

In Toutou High School, those who can take part in the examination of famous schools in a city are often concentrated in those high schools. The child's classmates are from Tsinghua University to Peking University to Fudan University, and they are also working hard to learn. In this atmosphere, they will lead him forward. Smart kids in ordinary high schools say the most, and I have become one of the top students in my class (the top students in school). Why should I work so hard? He has no reference. He thinks that he can go to the top schools by virtue of his talent, but he doesn't know that his cleverness, which he thinks is a talent, may be dangerous for 211. But your parents say that he won't listen. By the time he realizes it, he will either have no fighting spirit at all or it will be too late. There are too many such examples. This post was finally edited by listening to the voice of Hai Tao at 20:51 on June 7, 2024

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