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dried food! Novice must know how to buy a house, so that you can buy a house without losing! [Copy Link]

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Published on March 16, 2020 17:15 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
Real estate terminology Dry Goods Strategy Buying Skills
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Buying a house is a top priority for ordinary people. Especially many people carry heavy loans for a house, but they have no experience when buying a house. Some people will regret buying a wrong house after buying it, but it is not a simple matter to want to check out a house.
In order to avoid such a thing, buyers should understand the skills before buying a house so that they can buy the house they want?
1、 Understand common sense of house purchase
Many novices have no relevant experience when buying a house. They will be confused when hearing the explanation of the real estate consultant and various professional terms when looking at and selecting a house. Therefore, new house buyers need to know some basic real estate knowledge before buying a house. You should also have a general understanding of the real estate market to avoid being fooled by the real estate consultant who thinks you are an inexperienced rookie when you look at the house.
Professional real estate terminology knowledge can be viewed by clicking this post, and the statistics are very comprehensive!
2、 Assess your financial ability
When evaluating their economic ability, buyers need not only to have an understanding of their own or their family's actual income, but also to assess their job development potential in the next three to five years, and even their career arrangements in the next 10 to 20 years, and then to assess how much money they can pay down when buying a house, and how much monthly payment is acceptable.
The purpose of assessing economic capability is to have a targeted view of the house, and choose to view the house within the price range acceptable to oneself, so that the purpose is stronger.
3、 Don't trust the advertisement
Many buyers see the developers' advertisements first, and then go to the sales department to see the house. The developers' advertisements are all multifarious. Some buyers find that there are many differences between the actual house and the developers' advertisements after buying the house. Therefore, when buying a house, the buyer must treat the real estate advertisement rationally, and should go to the field to inspect it. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the advertising sheet, building flowers and other promotional materials. If the developer does not honor them in the future, these materials can be used as a strong evidence to investigate their legal responsibilities.
4、 Find out the purchase area and the price difference
When communicating with the real estate consultant, be sure to ask about the shared area, not just the size of the house, otherwise they will generally only tell the building area.
At the same time, when asking about the house price, the real estate consultant will give you an average price. In fact, the prices of houses of different house types, floors and buildings are different to some extent, and some of the price differences may be large, which is not conducive to the early purchase budget of buyers. If you cannot ask about the specific price of a house, you should also ask about the price difference.
be careful: The inside area is the final usable area of Z, and the larger the shared area is, the lower the housing acquisition rate will be, and the free area will not be included in the purchase contract.
5、 Choose a good house type and find out the orientation of the house
Generally speaking, a good house type needs to be practical, safe, private, flexible, economical and artistic, and achieve six kinds of separation: physiological, functional, dynamic, public and private, primary and secondary, dry and wet. But it is not easy to achieve these standards. When choosing the house type, we should not only look at the structure but also pay attention to the "size" of each functional area.
Speaking of orientation, let's first make a clear concept: the orientation of a house refers to the place where the lighting surface is Z large, and the main balcony (the large balcony of the living room) of current commercial houses is Z large. Therefore, generally speaking, the orientation of the house depends on the side of the living room (that is, the direction of the main balcony with the large lighting surface).
6、 Confirm the plot plan, not trust the model room
When buying a house, we saw the sand table and the plot plan. I suggest you pay attention to the plot plan. Most of the sand tables have been beautified, which is different from the actual situation.
As for the model rooms, this is the "face" of the developer. The housing supply will not be too bad. The model rooms are carefully decorated and designed by the designer, so the effect is naturally very good. But the layout of the model room may not be consistent with your actual house. Even if you want to see the model room, you should also pay attention to which places have been transformed. Compare with the house type drawing to see whether the decoration can be changed like this in the future.
In view of the fact that there are too many holes in the hardbound houses, Xiao Bian suggested that if there are rough houses with appropriate prices and similar locations, we should first consider the rough houses, because the rough houses can be seen at a glance whether the layout of the house is good enough, and the rough houses can also avoid many holes in the decoration, but it is more worrying.
7、 After seeing the real estate, we should investigate the surrounding environment on the spot
Generally, when you go to see a house, the real estate consultant will introduce the traffic, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, etc. to the sand table or electronic planning map. Because it looks very close on the sand table or the electronic planning map, in fact, some of the supporting facilities are very far away, so if the buyer has time to look around the property after looking at the property, he can look around the property to see how different it is from the real estate consultant's introduction, especially the school district buildings, which are now divided into districts, this Z has a long mind. Don't be promised, In the later period, there was no planning, no dispute.
8、 Choose a reliable real estate enterprise
To buy a house, you must choose reliable real estate enterprises, such as those with few negative news and normal capital flow, so as to avoid uncompleted tail as far as possible.
There is also the need to understand the future property and property charges. The property fee is different from other fees. After purchasing a commercial house and moving in, the property fee that the buyer needs to pay is always accompanied by the house, so it is necessary to understand the charging standard of the property fee before purchasing.
In particular, this epidemic in Wuhan really reflects how important a good property is. A good property can protect its life, and it can bring appreciation space to the house. So it is very important to understand the property.
9、 Confirm contract information and understand loan content
After understanding various factors such as price, property quality, house type, surrounding facilities, and rate of house acquisition, the key step after Z cannot be relaxed, that is, signing a house purchase contract.
In the forum, I often see spaghetti posts saying that I signed a contract in a muddle. This is absolutely not good. Buying a house is a big thing. It is difficult to return a house after signing a contract. Moreover, many contracts have holes in them. If you are not careful, you can easily be deceived. Especially for forward housing, if the house actually delivered is inconsistent with the contract, the buyer can take the contract to find the developer for legitimate rights protection.
Therefore, when signing a house purchase contract, we must pay more attention to understand the content of the contract and beware of contract traps.
Before signing the contract, we should also clarify the loan method, and do not blindly listen to the words of the real estate consultant. Everyone's actual situation is different. We should know about the loan conditions, required materials, tax policies, etc. in advance. Don't wait for the contract to be signed before we find that there is a problem with the loan.
The above is the relevant content of the novice buying skills compiled by me, and I hope it will be helpful to first-time buyers.
I wish everyone can buy the house they like.
If you have better experience or skills in buying a house, you are welcome to share them, help others and be happy!

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This post Z was edited by Koi Koi at 20:19 on March 16, 2020

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Published on April 24, 2020 17:08 | Only the author
The only blank new house project on the second ring road, understand

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Published on September 23, 2020 at 14:46 | Only the author
This is still the way to buy a house

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Published on November 21, 2020 at 16:16 | Only the author
1. No purchase limit! No limit on purchasing Room 3, Longyang Avenue subway entrance, Wangjiawan, Hanyang. Wangjiawan Longyang Village subway entrance, 88 square meters, 3 roughcast rooms, middle floor, 1.3 million! 1.3 million! 1.3 million! No late fees, PS: sign a contract with the developer directly! 2. House purchase limit! Room 3, subway entrance, Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang City, can only be purchased. 88 square meters, 3 blank rooms, middle floor, 1.6 million yuan! 1.6 million! 1.6 million! No late fees, loan available! Loan available! Loan available! PS: Both sets of contracts are directly signed with developers! Intentionally ask me a short question.

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one thousand eight hundred and sixteen  
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seven floor
Published on November 21, 2020 16:17 | Only the author
1. No purchase limit! No limit on purchasing Room 3, Longyang Avenue subway entrance, Wangjiawan, Hanyang. Wangjiawan Longyang Village subway entrance, 88 square meters, 3 roughcast rooms, middle floor, 1.3 million! 1.3 million! 1.3 million! No late fees, PS: sign a contract with the developer directly! 2. House purchase limit! Room 3, subway entrance, Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang City, can only be purchased. 88 square meters, 3 blank rooms, middle floor, 1.6 million yuan! 1.6 million! 1.6 million! No late fees, loan available! Loan available! Loan available! PS: Both sets of contracts are directly signed with developers! Intentionally ask me a short question.

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eight floor
Published on November 21, 2020 16:17 | Only the author
1. No purchase limit! No limit on purchasing Room 3, Longyang Avenue subway entrance, Wangjiawan, Hanyang. Wangjiawan Longyang Village subway entrance, 88 square meters, 3 roughcast rooms, middle floor, 1.3 million! 1.3 million! 1.3 million! No late fees, PS: sign a contract with the developer directly! 2. House purchase limit! Room 3, subway entrance, Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang City, can only be purchased. 88 square meters, 3 blank rooms, middle floor, 1.6 million yuan! 1.6 million! 1.6 million! No late fees, loan available! Loan available! Loan available! PS: Both sets of contracts are directly signed with developers! Intentionally ask me a short question.

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Published on 2020-12-2 14:25 | Only the author
Passing without money

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Published on October 28, 2021-10 at 10:10 | Only the author
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Published on 2021-10-29 10:34 | Only the author
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You can learn about housing provident fund loans. Low interest rates can save hundreds of thousands of yuan
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