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Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan starred in the film Stop and Go, Wuhan Roadshow and Heroic City Deliver Healing Power Together [Copy Link]

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Published on 2024-6-2 14:49 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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The film Stop and Go Wuhan Station's roadshow themed "Go to the wilderness, have a morning" was held yesterday, and the four city roadshow ended successfully. The relaxation of the film has infected many audiences, and the public praise has also been singing along the way. At the Wuhan Roadshow, the director Long Fei and the screenwriter Huang Jia, led by Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan, and starred by Zhou Yemang, attended and communicated with Wuhan audiences enthusiastically. Wuhan's urban spirit and the film's relaxation and warmth complement each other, delivering healing energy to the audience. The film Stop and Go is directed by Long Fei, written by Huang Jia, starred by Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan, starred by Yue Hong, Zhou Yemang, Jin Jing and Gan Yunchen, and especially starred by Liu Jun and Liu Yiwei. The film will be released nationwide on June 8 during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and the pre-sale has been opened.

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Wuhan screenwriter Huang Jia shares creative ideas, and is the main creator to convey the courage to allow everything to happen
The film Stop and Go tells the story of a relaxed and cured Chinese family. "Crispy Young Man" Wu Di returns to his hometown and lives with his family. A farce is staged, but it also shows the great heart and wisdom of Wu Di's family when facing ordinary life. Although the film is set in Sichuan, its spiritual core comes from the writing of Huang Jia, a writer born in Wuhan. Returning to his hometown, Huang Jia shared his creation idea and said, "Stop and Go" The tone of Wu Di's comedy is a life stream comedy. Many characters come from around or have the shadow of real characters in life. My parents are also very similar to Wu Di's parents. They may not have so many expressions of love at ordinary times, but I think it is a long run comedy, and life stream comedy is probably the same.

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The life attitude of "allow everything to happen, be brave and happy" conveyed by the film Slogan is in line with Wuhan, a heroic city that has experienced trauma but bravely reborn. At the roadshow, the director expressed his understanding of this sentence, "If life goes on forever, we will be very tired, and we will all encounter difficulties or resistance. At this time, we should stop and have a rest. Don't feel trouble or psychological pressure, and often stop to have a better chance to go on". Gao Yuanyuan shared that he also experienced changes beyond his control in life when he was young, and that he yearned for "unexpected encounters" in life. It was growth that gave him strength to accept life whether it stopped or went. Hu Ge explained that "the premise of allowing everything to happen is that you know everything is possible. We should be brave to face the life and world where everything is possible. Then you will have enough confidence to face impermanence, and you will certainly become a brave and happy person".

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Many audiences on the scene were quite sympathetic to the line "success is not necessarily gold, failure is not necessarily shit, and your success should not be defined by others", Taking himself as an example, Hu Ge shared that "I may look like a piece of gold here, but I may put it somewhere else, for example, in the toilet, it may be excrement, but in the land, it is gold, and crops can be planted to irrigate food", which made the audience agree. Zhou Yemang comforted the audience, "It's enough for a young man in his thirties to go to life and let himself go. After he breaks through, look back and see if there is nothing wrong with him.".

Stop and Go The four city road show ended successfully, and the healing power caused resonance, and the reputation soared all the way
The four stop roadshow of the film Stop and Go has been successfully completed. Although the audience is in different cities thousands of miles away, they can all feel the transmission of warm values in the film. The story of the Wu Di family makes everyone closely connected with each other. At the 14th Beijing International Film Festival this year, the film also won three awards, namely, "Z Best Film", "Z Best Writer" and "Z Best Supporting Actress". Both professional practitioners in the film and television industry and ordinary audiences were deeply moved by the sincere feelings and universal values shown by the film.

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At the Wuhan Roadshow, many audiences also expressed their feelings that "it (the film) is not heavy or preaching, on the contrary, it is more joyful, relaxed, healing and warm" "No matter what state we are in, whether we run hard or lie flat temporarily, we must not forget to take the time to stop and enjoy the scenery and cherish the people around us on this journey.". The film moved the audience in Wuhan with laughter and relaxed life, and the audience in Wuhan is also infecting more people with their optimistic and positive attitude towards life. In this heroic city, there must be countless "Wudi Family". Although there are countless disappointments, they can also live brilliantly. When facing challenges in life, have the courage to allow everything to happen, try to accept and face it with a positive attitude. Maybe this is the life answer that the movie Stop and Go wants to convey to the audience.

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The film Stop and Go is produced by Matt Pictures (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Beijing Dengfeng International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., China Film Corporation, Shanghai Shigu Film Co., Ltd., Yizhi Action Film (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiaopiao Film Culture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Dolell Culture Media Co., Ltd., Xiaoling Film Culture (Shanghai) It is jointly produced by the studio, Dongyang Feihe Film Culture Co., Ltd., Hubei Qingbaba Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Daimao Mutual Entertainment Media Co., Ltd., Hubei Honeycomb Culture Development Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yixing Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. The film will be released nationwide on June 8 during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. At present, pre-sales are in hot progress!

This post was finally edited by Yimeigou at 14:50 on June 2, 2024

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