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Self satisfied life - Wuhan life consumption community Section Job recruitment 5000-7000 per month, including food, accommodation and continuous recruitment

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5000-7000 per month, including food, accommodation and continuous recruitment [Copy Link]

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Published at 17:48, May 31, 2024 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order | Print | Share:
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[Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Obtains] Normal interview, male 18-35 years old, female 18-40 years old (18-23 years old no longer check Xuexin Network and running water), the age of returning employees can be extended to several years old, day shift and middle shift, quality inspection post 20.5/hour, non quality assistant post 18-19/hour, night shift wage+3 yuan/hour, legal holidays enjoy three times the salary, monthly salary 5000-6500. Reception is available from 10 to 16 every day, and the interview is normal at 13 noon every day.
------Jiangxia/East Lake High tech------
[Strong] [Strong] [CSOT] Regular+Dispatched+Hourly workers Normal interview Normal interview, 18-45 years old, male or female, meal allowance 550 yuan per month, two shifts, hourly workers 20+4/hour for ordinary posts, 24+4/hour for telemetering posts, monthly salary 6300-7500 yuan, 8:00-14:00 normal reception interview.
[Love] [Love] [Suzuki Building Materials] The interview will be suspended on Saturday and Sunday, and the normal interview will be held on the next Monday. The interview is limited to men, including food and housing, 25-45 years old, two shifts, 19/hour general workers, and the monthly salary will be 5000-6000 yuan; Another forklift (with a certificate for one year), 23/hour, monthly salary of 6000-7000 yuan, normal interview at 9:30-10:00 am.
[Love] [Love] [Fujing Electronics] Suspended on Sunday, normal interview on Saturday and next Monday, 18-45 years old, male or female, including food and accommodation, day shift/two shifts can be arranged, and the monthly salary is 5000-7000 yuan. 8:30-11:00,13:00-15:00。
[Love] [Love] [Ruihua Optoelectronics] The interview will be suspended on Saturday and Sunday, and the normal interview will be held on the next Monday. 18-35 years old, female only, meal allowance 18 yuan/day, monthly salary 5500-6500 yuan, 8:00-20:00 on duty. 10: 00-14:00 Normal interview.
[Love] [Love] [Nandu New Energy] The interview will be suspended on Saturday and Sunday. The interview will be held on Monday. Only men aged 26-45 are allowed to work in two shifts for 10 hours. The monthly salary will be around 6000-8000. The normal interview will be held at 13:30 p.m.
[Love] [Love] [Vipshop] Normal interview, long day shift, 18-42 years old, men and women are not limited, know 26 English letters, 16.5/hour, including room and food, salary 5000-6500+, arrive at 8 am, can directly arrange work, 9-11 am normal interview.
[Celebration] [Celebration] [Kaite Electronics] The interview will be suspended on Saturday and Sunday, and the normal interview will be held on Monday, 18-43 years old, female only, 17 yuan/hour, long day shift, two meals included, monthly salary 5500-6800 yuan, 13:30-14:30 normal interview.
[Sun] [Sun] [Great Wall Mande] Suspended on Sunday, normal interview on Saturday and next Monday, 19-38 years old, men and women are not limited, including working meals and accommodation, day shift 19/hour, night shift 20/hour, monthly salary 5500-7000 yuan, normal interview from 10:00-12:00.
[Sun] [Sun] [Noble Rubber] Suspended on Sunday, normal interview on Saturday and next Monday, 20-35 years old, men and women are not limited, including working meals and accommodation, day shift 19/hour, night shift 20/hour, monthly salary 5500-6500 yuan, normal interview from 10:00 to 12:00.   

[Red packet] Wuhan Ruike and Huangshi Ruike have the first notice of interview arrangement and can reserve in advance.
[Rose] A large number of clients: social workers, interns, cycle workers.
[Rose] Resettlement industry: automobile manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, electronic chips, new energy, etc.
[Rose] Focus on service and win-win cooperation! [Handshake] [Handshake]
Director Chen Tel: 15807174501 WeChat ID

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