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  • There is no law in life, everyone has his own rhythm
  • The WordPress website building tutorials are published after practice and hope to help you. If there are code errors, please contact the webmaster to solve them
  • I hope your persistence is due to love, not to be unwilling
  • 8 years of experience in building wordpress websites, 5-star service quality
  • Those who do not want to let you suffer are the people who are really worth your deep friendship, and also the people who are worth your time
  • Tencent Cloud 3-year 2-core 2G new product, light weight, limited time special, only 408 yuan

Service Items

Here are 100% website construction and applet development solutions
Enterprise website construction
Enterprise official website construction, foreign trade website production, mall website production, marketing website production, responsive website production
Mobile web page applet development
WeChat applet development, WeChat official account development, mobile website development
Provide other cms website building programs such as Zhimengdede to WordPress, plug-in modification, localization, website secondary development, website acceleration, etc

Plug in recommendation

Here are some useful plug-ins

Basic Tutorials

Here is a summary of the actual combat in the process of building the station

Optimization acceleration

The speed of the website is not good. It must be that the optimization is not up to scratch.

Service process

Simple and efficient service process
Demand communication
Understand your needs through telephone, QQ and WeChat
Advance deposit
60% of the development cost shall be paid in advance after the agreement is reached according to the demand quotation, and the full payment shall be paid if less than 1000
Requirements realization
Develop according to the requirements document and project cycle, and implement one by one
Acceptance and launch
The requirements are completed and handed over to you for acceptance. If there is no problem, the balance will be paid

common problem

Our advantages

1. Quick response service

2. Served more than 600 users and enterprises

3. Rich experience in dual language enterprise theme development

4. Perfect development process, in depth in line with SEO optimization

5. After sales service gives you peace of mind

Build a station! Please feel free to choose us

More than 30% of the world's websites are built by WordPress, and we are the domestic super super diligent WordPress developers

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