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  • What is the difference between DZ47L 2P leakage protector 40A and HDBELE-2P household leakage circuit breaker 40A

  • What is the difference between Delixi DZ47L 2P leakage protector 40A and Delixi HDBELE-2P household leakage circuit breaker 40A?
    U***N   |   2018-11-21 00:38:02
  • Delixi DZ47L 2P leakage switch and HDBELE 2P leakage switch Both of them are middle and high-end products among Delixi small leakage switches. The product quality and workmanship are the best of the best. The main difference between these two products is size. The width of HDBELE 2P leakage switch is 4P (7.2cm), while the width of DZ47L 2P leakage switch is 2P (3.6cm). Some use environments have small requirements for size, so only the smaller DZ47L leakage switch can be selected.

  • 2018-11-29 09:00:51