Open source to-do list ToDoList 8.3.3 Chinese green free version - Dayan Zaixiu
 Open source to-do list ToDoList 8.3.3 Chinese green free version

Open source to-do list ToDoList 8.3.3 Chinese green free version

Author: Da Yanzai~Xu Date: 2 weeks ago (05-26) Comment: 0

Summary: The green Chinese version of ToDoList is released by Dayanzai (www.dayanzai. me). ToDoList, As the name implies, it is an application designed to help users improve efficiency, giving them the opportunity to create a comprehensive work list for the next few days, weeks, months and years. Finally, it is up to everyone to decide how often they plan. This procedure supports this exact decision. [caption id…

Open source to-do list ToDoList green Chinese version from Big Eye Baby Xu (www.dayanzai. me). ToDoList, As the name implies, it is an application designed to help users improve efficiency, giving them the opportunity to create a comprehensive work list for the next few days, weeks, months and years. Finally, it is up to everyone to decide how often they plan. This procedure supports this exact decision.


ToDoList Chinese

What is ToDoList?

ToDoList is software for task management, project management, productivity, GTD, scheduling and collaboration.

We have many choices to help us record our daily obligations. For some people, simply listing "things to do" on paper is enough. Others like to use programs. People have a preference for where they record tasks - using computer tools ("thick apps"), websites ("thin apps"), and mobile apps ("mobile"). Some software is very general, with a simple list of task names and due dates. Some software is more complex and has nested tasks. You need to complete the nested tasks before you can consider the main tasks completed. Some commercial software is very complex and expensive – look at Microsoft projects and similar products. Some software focuses on specific industries, such as construction, manufacturing, business consulting, website management, wedding planning, and even cooking recipes.

ToDoList is a general-purpose, Windows based software that can be used for simple "dear" family lists or for managing complex multi-user business projects. In addition to tracking the status of tasks, ToDoList also includes a powerful system for recording and reporting the time spent on tasks. Combined with a powerful reporting mechanism, ToDoList has become an effective tool for customer billing.

ToDoList is different from most other task management software packages in that it can create a hierarchical structure of tasks and gradually decompose complex tasks into simpler subtasks until no further simplification is needed. Each subtask can be assigned a start and end date, a priority and various other attributes. When each subtask is completed, the parent task will be updated in various ways to let you know the overall progress. The task list can also be printed or saved in various other formats for display and reporting.

ToDoList is free open source software (FOSS). It is free, you do not need to pay any fees, you can get free source code.

Download and install ToDoList and get started

ToDoList (usually abbreviated as TDL) was created by. dan. g. in 2003 for personal use. He released the software as free and open source, and to this day, he is still maintaining the software for himself and those who use it in large numbers.

Official homepage

What’s new in ToDoList 8.3.3
May 26, 2024
Fixed ‘Custom File Link’ column clicking
Fixed further ‘Mouse-wheel’ scrolling issues
Fixed ‘Week Planner > Create Time Block’ date initialisation
Fixed ‘Infotips’ on a new tasklist with one task
Fixed ‘Calendar’ parent tasks being ‘undraggable’
Fixed ‘Off by one’ error in ‘Custom Date Calculation’ results
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Due Tasks’ notification window
Fixed ‘Decimal’ formatting in ‘Analyse Logged Time’ report
Fixed ‘Mouse-Wheel’ scrolling in ‘Task Tree’, ‘List View’, ‘Gantt Chart’ and ‘Workload’ views
Fixed ‘Move Up/Down’ in ‘Kanban Preferences’
Fixed ‘Insert Date/Time’ keyboard shortcut for new installs
Fixed ‘Kanban’ dragging of ‘Custom Attribute’ tasks
Fixed ‘Mind Map’ and ‘Evidence Board’ rendering under ‘Windows 7 Classic Theme’
New* ‘Evidence Board’ plugin view
New* ‘Dark Mode’ (add -dm to commandline)
Added ‘Word Cloud’ toolbar for ‘Ignore selected word’ and ‘Edit Ignore List’
Added ‘Week Planner’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Week Planner’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Time Blocking’ to the ‘Week Planner’
Added ‘Calendar’ preference to show active tasks on ‘Today’
Added ‘Calendar’ support for calculated parent dates
Added ‘Spreadsheet’ context-menu to populate ‘Dropdown List’ cells
Added ‘Task Font’ to be used by ‘Find Tasks’ and ‘Reminders’ in preferences
Added ‘Sorting’ to ‘Reminders’ dialog|Added ‘Thousands’ separator to ‘Cost’ column
Added more regular background ‘Preferences’ saving
Added option to paste attributes between tasks
Added ‘Auto Drag Scrolling’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Label Tips’ to ‘Mind Map’
Added ‘Comments Format’ column to ‘Task Tree’ and ‘List View’
Added ‘Scroll to To Selected Task’ to ‘Move’ menu|Added ‘Grouping’ to ‘Kanban’ view
Added ‘Ukrainian’ translation (thanks to knnsumy)

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