New free commercially available fonts released: Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti - Big Eyed Zai Xu
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 New free commercial font release: Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti

New free commercial font release: Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti

Author: Da Yanzai~Xu Date: 4 years ago (2020-12-24) Comment: 1

Summary: Pang Men Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti, which Big Eye Zai Xu paid attention to, has been officially released, and the author announced that this font can be used for free forever. As the domestic font copyright is becoming more and more strict, it is valuable that Pangmen Zhengdao can release completely free fonts for free. This font is named after the author's own Pangmen Zhengdao and the name of the author's father. If you like design or you often need to use some fonts to beautify your design works, then Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti may be able to design for you

Big Eye Baby Xu Concerned Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti It has been officially released, and the author announced that the font can be used for free forever. As the copyright of domestic fonts becomes more and more strict Pangmen Path It is valuable to be able to publish fonts for free. This font is named after the author's own Pangmen Zhengdao and the name of the author's father. If you like design or you often need to use some fonts to beautify your design works, then Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti may add color to your design.

 Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti

Pangmen Zhengdao Zhenggui Kaiti

The following is an excerpt from the author's WeChat official account:

Before talking about this font, introduce my father in simple words.

Pang Zhengui

76 years old.
He was born as a farmer, but his grandfather was a scholar, that is, my great grandfather was a scholar in the Qing Dynasty.
I was eager to learn since childhood, but the conditions did not allow me to do so. After about ten years of study, I had to work.
When I was a child, he told me a story about himself. When there was no electric light, there was a bowl of water on the desk. When I was sleepy, I wiped my eyes with water, and when I woke up, I continued to read. This story has inspired me for many years.
In the 1980s, catching up with the momentum of the motherland's take-off, like many Guangdong men, they engaged in the construction industry, which is also known as migrant workers.
It is also because of their own spirit of hard study, they bought a lot of materials in the construction industry for self-study. After more than ten years of efforts from ordinary migrant workers, they have made achievements that others envy.
In the past decades, he has experienced ups and downs, the only constant is to persist in writing calligraphy. When I was still studying in my hometown, I often saw him get up to write after 6:00. He was very diligent and addicted. Now it is more than 5 o'clock to get up and write.
Many people say that I am workaholic and diligent. In fact, compared with my father, I am lazy.
Many young people, working in a job, say that they don't want to move after work, and they are too tired. If you think about what Dad did in those days, he was still a hard worker. The real concrete mover (brick mover) used sticks and water to practice calligraphy on bricks in the gap of rest. If you really love it, you won't feel tired.
It is also because of this dedication that he has persisted in writing calligraphy for more than 60 years. He held his first personal calligraphy exhibition (cursive, semi cursive, regular script) in Zhanjiang this November. This is the first person in our whole family and even in the whole town, which is the glory of our big family.
The video of my father trying to buy a pen last month shows that he is really a cursive maniac.
The words on the big stone at the entrance of the village are my father's handwriting. If I were an ordinary person, it would be easy to write something, but my father doesn't like vulgarization. I thought that cranes often came to live in the village decades ago, and there was a huge banyan tree at the head of the village, so I wrote these four words: crane shadow, banyan phoenix.
At the end of 2017, the idea of letting Dad write a font came into being.
At the beginning of 2018, when I mentioned this to him, my father agreed very readily, because in the past ten years, he had hardly asked him to help me with anything. It was rare that I asked him to help this time, but he was still doing what he was good at, so he was very happy.
He asked me, can you make money by doing this? I said no, this is free for everyone to use, he was confused, this thing needs to be busy for a year, if I don't make money, I will suffer.
I understand very much. After all, raising my son is 100 years old, and he is worried about me. He is always worried that I will not earn money when I work outside and will suffer hardship.
I told him, don't worry, my son doesn't need to suffer any more. This font is not only free for everyone, but also a phased achievement for your calligraphy career for so many years. Someone will always see your handwriting.
Considering the commercial nature, my father's best cursive script needs to give up, and running script is also not suitable. Finally, he chose regular script as the direction of this font.
Photos taken in the summer of 2018, when they began to try to write according to the characters in the font.
Good things take a lot of time. A set of regular font, 6600 words, is not easy for our young people. What's more, an old man in his rare years, because I can't read it in his hometown, he wrote it and sent it to me. After reading it, the regular script is still a bit rough, not suitable, and then told him that it needs to be rewritten. This is like Party A's father asked me to do it again. I am going to collapse, But my father agreed happily.
On and off, three months later, the second version came.
It is too thin, and the bold font is convenient to use, but the too thin font is not enough for the title.
This is the conflict between commerce and art. For example, some calligraphers like to spray commercial calligraphy. In fact, commercial calligraphy is limited to commercial convenience, not artistic.
So I arranged him to rewrite it again. Yes, I'm embarrassed to change it again, but in order to maximize the value of the font, it must be rewritten.
This time, I wrote a hundred or more words first, and then adjusted it slightly. Finally, I felt OK.
Start all 6600 again and write again.
At this time, it has come to the beginning of 2019.
The font has been made, waiting for testing.
The font name should be his old name, Pang Zhengui.

So this font is called: Pang Men Zhengdao Zhengui Kaiti!

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All comments: (1)
  1. LeeLady 2019-03-02 14:51 reply
    Thank the webmaster for releasing free fonts. Thank you very much :idea:


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