Windows Copy Enhancement Tool Fastcopy 5.7.12+x64 Green Chinese - Big Eye
 Windows Copy Enhancement Tool Fastcopy 5.7.12+x64 Green Chinese

Windows Copy Enhancement Tool Fastcopy 5.7.12+x64 Green Chinese

Author: Da Yanzai~Xu Date: 2 weeks ago (05-26) Comment: 128

Summary: The Chinese version of Fastcopy Pro 5 is released by Dayanzai (www.dayanzai. me). The Chinese version of Fastcopy Pro 5 is the fastest file copying tool from Japan. It is common for disks to copy files from one another, usually by using the copy and paste function of Windows. It's OK to do this when the number is small, but when the number is large, the system has its own

Fastcopy Pro 5 Chinese from Big Eye Baby Xu (www.dayanzai. me). The Chinese version of Fastcopy Pro 5 is the fastest file copying tool from Japan. It is common for disks to copy files from one another, usually by using the copy and paste function of Windows. This is not a problem when the number is small, but when the number is large, the system's built-in replication function is somewhat inadequate. Fastcopy Pro is needed. The copy time of a 424 MB movie is only 21 seconds, and the transmission speed reaches 21MB/s.

 Chinese version of Fastcopy

Fastcopy Pro 5 Green Chinese

FastCopy Pro 5 Features

  • Fast copy and deletion: FastCopy can maximize the speed of file copy and deletion. It uses asynchronous I/O and multi-threaded technology, so it can complete the copy and deletion of a large number of files in a relatively short time.
  • Low system resource consumption: FastCopy is designed to use the least system resources. When you use FastCopy to copy or delete, it will not affect other running programs.
  • Long pathnames are supported: FastCopy can handle long file pathnames with a maximum length of 4096 characters. This means that you can copy folders with very deep hierarchies and files with very long file names.
  • Secure copy: FastCopy uses a reliable copy algorithm to reduce errors during data transmission. In addition, FastCopy can check whether the source file and the target file match, thus ensuring the correctness of the file copy.
  • Copy parameters can be customized: FastCopy allows users to customize copy parameters, such as cache size and number of threads. This allows users to optimize the performance of FastCopy to accommodate different types of file copying tasks.
  • Command line operations are supported: FastCopy provides a command line interface that can be used to batch process file copying tasks.
  • More

FastCopy version 4 adds several new functions to the application, but first is the basic function. FastCopy is compatible with Windows 7 and later versions of Windows. It can be installed or extracted and run as a portable version. Some of its functions include multi-threaded read, write, and verification operations. It supports unicode and paths that exceed the 260 character limit. Because of its design, it is not resource intensive.

FastCopy 4 introduces two new command line tools: FcHash.exe is a hash computer that supports multiple hash algorithms, including SHA256 and SHA512. It can be used to recursively calculate hashes. The second command line tool is for FastCopy itself. You can now use it, except fastcopy.exe, to run commands from the command line.

The new version introduces several other functions:

  • Support OpenSSL.
  • Reduce the processor utilization when using SHA-256 (about 2/3 less than before).
  • Added option to record hash values without verification.
  • Added option to always use low I/O.
  • SHA-512 authentication mode has been added.
  • The delete before replication option has been added in synchronous mode.
  • The I/O speed of the hard disk is improved.
  • The speed of xxHash is improved.
  • The remaining changes fix problems in the application. Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 address issues in FastCopy 4 and 4.0.1, respectively.

Version 3.0 or later, the settings file for FastCopy has been renamed from FastCopy.ini to FastCopy2.ini.

In some modes, target files with the same file name in the source directory will be overwritten without confirmation.
In synchronous mode, the target file with the same file name does not exist in the source directory and will be forcibly deleted without confirmation.
In the delete mode, the target files and directories will be forcibly deleted without confirmation.

Fastcopy Pro 5 is an easy to use program. It is especially useful when you copy large amounts of data, because File Explorer is not suitable for these operations. File Explorer transfers will take longer to complete and may place more burden on the system. With Fastcopy Pro, you can get the additional benefit of verification, which can prove that the copied files are not damaged.

Fastcopy Pro 5 supports advanced functions, such as erasing disk space after operation, changing advanced parameters such as buffer size, enabling shell expansion to access programs from the right-click menu or drag and drop, etc.

Fastcopy 5.4 system requirements

Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
Windows Server 2012(&R2)/2016/2019/2022

Fastcopy /FcHash/fcp ver4. x license

Copyright 2004-2023 Shirouzu Hiroaki All rights reserved.
Copyright 2018-2023 FastCopy Lab, LLC. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use of this software (commercial or non-commercial) is permitted if the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of this software must retain the above copyright notice, this condition list and the following disclaimer.

This software is provided by the copyright owner and contributor "as is", without any express or implied warranty, including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no case shall the copyright owner or contributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, disciplinary or consequential damages (including but not limited to the purchase of substitute goods or services); Loss of use, data or profits; Or business interruption), regardless of how it is caused, and based on any liability theory, regardless of contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence or other ways) in any way arising from the use of the software, even if it has been informed of the possibility of such damage.

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Article name:《 Windows Copy Enhancement Tool Fastcopy 5.7.12+x64 Green Chinese
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All comments: (128 articles)
  1. Bajiao 2024-05-03 10:42 reply
    The decompression password is wrong
    • Big Eye~Xu 2024-05-03 10:44
      This is the official version. It doesn't decompress the password
  2. jr21066 2024-05-05 08:04 reply
    It's already 5.7.9


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