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Rural passenger transport, transformation and upgrading, exploring new development path

2023-09-07 16:57:55    Source: People's Daily

By the end of last year, the bus access rate of villages and towns and villages with organizational system had reached 99.8% and 99.7% respectively——

Rural passenger transport, transformation and upgrading, exploring new development path

Core reading

[Data Map]

At present, the public transportation operation of rural passenger transport continues to advance, the coverage level is significantly improved, and the service mode is more diversified. However, there are also problems such as the decline of passenger flow and certain difficulties in operation. All regions actively seek change, transform and upgrade in development, and explore urban and rural public transport+customized routes, rural passenger transport+express logistics and other modes. At the same time, improve the mechanism guarantee to make rural passenger transport "accessible and sustainable".

County roads connect urban and rural areas, and township roads interweave. In the past 10 years in the new era, the construction of rural roads in China has been solidly promoted. Not only all qualified towns and villages have hardened roads, but all rural roads in the country have also been included in the management and maintenance scope. The rural transportation infrastructure has been improved and taken on a new look.

The purpose of building and managing well is to use and operate well. On the basis of improving the urban and rural transport infrastructure network, only by improving the level of urban and rural passenger transport integration, and making efforts to achieve smooth flow of people and goods, can we really help improve the quality of life of farmers and promote the continuous progress of rural revitalization. How about the development of rural passenger transport in China in recent years? Where should we focus on promoting the sustainable development of rural passenger transport? In this regard, the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport.

The operation of rural passenger transport and public transport continued to advance, and the depth and breadth of public transport service were significantly improved

"The development of rural passenger transport is not only related to the development of rural economy, but also related to the basic life of farmers." The relevant person in charge of the Transport Service Department of the Ministry of Transport said that in 2020, China will achieve the historic goal of all qualified towns and villages and villages open to passenger transport. On this basis, since entering the "14th Five Year Plan" period, China has continued to promote the public transport operation of rural passenger transport, accelerated the construction of a reasonably distributed, standardized and high-quality urban and rural road passenger transport service system, and significantly improved the travel conditions of urban and rural passenger transport.

——The coverage level has been significantly improved. In recent years, urban public transport lines have accelerated to extend to the countryside, and all regions have actively encouraged the implementation of public transport transformation of rural passenger transport routes between adjacent counties. The depth and breadth of public transport service coverage in rural areas have been significantly improved. According to the data, by the end of last year, the bus passing rate of villages and towns and villages with established systems in China had reached 99.8% and 99.7% respectively, of which the proportion of villages and towns with public transport (including public transport transformation) had reached 43.9% and 50.6% respectively, 10.6 and 11.3 percentage points higher than that in 2020.

——The service model is more diversified. In combination with industrial layout and population distribution, various regions have explored and innovated urban and rural passenger transport service modes. Flexible and diverse urban and rural passenger transport organization modes such as urban and rural public transport, scheduled passenger transport, reservation response, etc. have emerged. While promoting the transformation of rural passenger transport and public transportation, the integration and development of various transport formats have been accelerated. On the premise of meeting the basic service functions, rural public transportation has expanded the function of delivering mail and express, which not only facilitates the travel of the masses, but also facilitates the "last mile" of freight logistics.

——The safety level has been greatly improved. Rural areas are the focus of traffic safety. Especially in the busy farming and market time, the traffic volume in rural areas is rising, and the risk of accidents is also rising. In recent years, by promoting the intensive, large-scale and corporate operation of urban and rural public transport, the technical status of vehicles has been guaranteed from the source, the safety management of employees has been strengthened, and the problems of overcrowding and overloading in key periods such as rural passenger transport market and holidays have been effectively solved, which has significantly reduced safety accidents.

"On the whole, through the implementation of the transformation of urban and rural passenger transport into public transport, the passenger ticket price has been significantly reduced, the frequency of departure has increased significantly, and the vehicle ride has become more comfortable. The diversified and high-quality travel needs of urban and rural people have been effectively met, the vitality of the passenger transport market has been effectively stimulated, and people's satisfaction has been significantly enhanced." said the relevant person in charge of the Transport Service Department of the Ministry of Transport.

The rural passenger flow is significantly reduced, and the rural passenger transport operation faces certain difficulties

At the same time of the wider and deeper coverage of rural public transport, in recent years, the problem of "being able to open, not staying" has also become a problem to be solved, and the news of passenger stations closing, stopping and turning has been heard frequently in some places. The data shows that since 2012, the national highway passenger traffic volume for business has declined year after year. By the end of last year, the country had 554200 passenger cars and 16472400 passengers, 32800 and 1037900 fewer than the end of last year.

What are the difficulties facing the sustainable development of rural passenger transport at present?

In terms of the external environment, the rural passenger flow is significantly reduced, and the travel options of the masses are more diversified. In recent years, with the acceleration of China's urbanization process, the transfer of rural population to cities and towns is more obvious. In addition, the accelerated construction of high-speed railway and intercity railway and the increasing popularity of private cars have led to a more diversified choice of rural travel modes, a significant decline in rural passenger transport volume and a significant reduction in the actual load rate of rural passenger transport.

From the perspective of business entities, rural passenger transport management faces certain difficulties, and the endogenous development power is insufficient. Rural passenger transport is priced by the government. In the case of inclusive fares for rural public transport, daily income is difficult to support expenditure, and operators generally face greater operational difficulties. At the same time, the rural passenger transport operators are generally "scattered, weak and small", the overall business is relatively simple, the integration and development with other industries is not high, and the self hematopoietic ability and anti risk ability are weak.

"At present, the development of rural passenger transport and public transportation in China has achieved remarkable results, but there are still problems such as difficult transformation, low standardization level, and imperfect long-term mechanism." The relevant person in charge of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport said that, on the one hand, there are many operators of rural passenger transport routes in some regions, making it difficult to implement the transformation of rural passenger transport and public transportation. On the other hand, compared with urban public transport, some local financial subsidies for rural passenger transport public transport operations are not in place. At present, in addition to the central rural passenger transport subsidies, most county-level people's governments have not yet established a system of purchasing services or operating subsidies with the rural passenger transport government, which affects the sustainable and stable development of rural passenger transport.

Actively explore new paths of service supply and accelerate the construction of a sustainable development mechanism for rural passenger transport

The public transportation extends a small step and serves the masses a big step. In the face of problems encountered in development, how to transform and upgrade rural passenger transport to ensure that passenger transport vehicles can be driven, retained and sustainable?

At present, many places are actively seeking change and bold exploration to find new ways to consolidate and expand rural basic travel and optimize rural passenger transport service supply.

——Urban and rural public transport+customized routes, and point-to-point services stimulate the vitality of passenger transport.

In Pingshun County, Shanxi Province, on the broad highway, the passenger cars are running at a constant speed. At this time, many villagers are waiting for the bus to arrive as promised. "The replacement of large buses with small ones has lower operating costs. Apart from the fixed number of next day trains, every family can reserve vehicles on demand, and the mechanism is more flexible," said the person in charge of Pingshun County Transportation Bureau.

——Rural passenger transport+express logistics, resource sharing and sharing to improve hematopoietic capacity.

In Panshan County, Liaoning Province, every morning, postal workers will pick up the parcels sorted that day and take them to the bus from the county seat to the towns. The passenger station has been upgraded to a "mail station", and the combined passenger and freight transport on rural public transport has not only satisfied the public travel, but also increased the freight revenue.

Exploring first requires mechanism guarantee to make rural passenger transport "accessible and sustainable" and better meet the growing travel needs of the people. "Next, the Ministry of Transport will take multiple measures to build a sustainable development mechanism and promote the high-quality development of rural passenger transport." The person in charge of the Transport Service Department of the Ministry of Transport introduced.

Establish and improve the dynamic monitoring mechanism to ensure that the rural passenger transport service is "continuous". Guide all localities to establish and improve the dynamic monitoring mechanism for rural passenger transport, focus on the operation of passenger trains with the permit expiring soon and near the scrapping period, study the service continuation measures in advance, and continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of qualified passenger trains in towns and villages.

Encourage and support the exploration of multiple modes to ensure that the supply of rural passenger transport is "sustainable". Encourage different regions to combine their actual conditions, orderly promote the extension of urban public transport lines to the countryside and the transformation of rural passenger transport routes into public transport, and optimize regional operation, reservation response and other service supply; At the same time, we will further promote the integrated development of rural passenger, cargo and mail, build and improve a new rural transport development model of "one point with multiple functions and one network with multiple uses", and meet the needs of rural people for convenient travel to the greatest extent.

Make full use of the central subsidy funds to help rural passenger transport run "sustainably". Guide all localities to make full use of the central rural passenger transport subsidy funds, promote the implementation of the responsibility of territorial subjects, establish a government purchase service or operation subsidy system, and ensure the sustainable and stable operation of rural passenger transport. In view of the demand for centralized travel during key periods such as market day and busy farming in rural areas, as well as migrant workers returning home from work, seasonal routes such as "spring ploughing class", "autumn harvest class" and "fruit farmers class" will be launched according to local conditions to better ensure the safe and convenient travel of urban and rural people during key periods. (Reporter Han Xin)


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