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2023 Summer Cultural Tourism Market Inventory

2023-08-31 18:56:54    Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 31 Title: 2023 Summer Cultural Tourism Market Inventory

[Data Map]

Xu Zhuang, reporter of Xinhua News Agency's "Xinhua Viewpoint"

Going to a city for a concert, street leisure has become a "City Walk", and more and more scenic spots focus on immersive experience... This summer, people's enthusiasm for traveling has been greatly released. The cultural tourism market not only continues the hot traditional tourism season, but also presents full vitality under new business types and new needs.

Tourists visit Nanjing Confucius Temple Scenic Area (photographed on August 18). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

The whole family travels to get what they need, and the cultural tourism market continues to be popular

"The child wanted to go to a cool place. The father of the child paid attention to the quality of food and accommodation. I mainly wanted to shop, so I chose to go to Macao for a week." After the summer trip, Shanghai citizen Huang Mingfeng still wanted to go.

According to the data released by the Statistics and Census Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government at the end of August, the number of guests in the hotel industry increased 3.4 times year-on-year in July, reaching 1.279 million person times. The average occupancy rate of rooms was 89.0%, and more than 70% of the guests came from the mainland.

Not only Macao, but also tourists from all over the country gathered this summer. From Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort, where more than half of the guests come from other places, to Huangshan Scenic Spot, where the number of tourists reaches a record high; From the newly opened Sanxingdui Museum to the upgraded Bayi Road Delicious Street in Chongqing, people rushed to the distant scenery, and the bustling crowds demonstrated the popularity of the city.

One of the characteristics of summer tourism this year is that the whole family travels and gets what they need.

The summer vacation overlaps with the summer vacation, and the number of students increases sharply. The scene of bringing family with mouth is common in major scenic spots. Flying pig data shows that compared with last year, the "post-80s" group of tourists taking children out is the largest outbound tourist group with the largest growth and scale this summer. According to Ctrip data, among summer ticket orders, parent-child travel tickets increased by 56% compared with the same period in 2019.

Diversified groups of tourists choose diversified cultural tourism projects: minors mainly study tourism, focusing on the historical and cultural content of tourism; Young people prefer fashion play, "village super", national style and national charm are favored; The middle-aged and the elderly tend to "slow life", and healthy convalescence, summer resort in the mountains, and seaside vacation soothe their daily toil.

The China Tourism Research Institute previously predicted that from June to August, the number of domestic tourists reached 1.854 billion, accounting for 28.11% of the number of domestic tourists in the whole year; Domestic tourism revenue reached 1.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 27.46% of the annual domestic tourism revenue.

"This summer vacation will be the most active tourism market and the most prosperous tourism consumption period in the past five years." Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Research Institute, believes that the backlog of tourism demand in the past period of time has been released in the summer vacation, and the measures to promote holiday consumption in various industries around the country have been effective. The supply and demand parties should work together to create a market environment suitable for travel and willing to consume.

The cinema is full, the performance is prosperous, and cultural tourism consumption focuses on quality

"Impossible", "Goddess First: Morning Song", "Octagonal Cage", "Enthusiasm"... This summer, there are many hot films, which are not only about focusing on the current realism films, but also about imaginative fantasy masterpieces. The audience is overwhelmed.

According to the real-time data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of August 28, the total box office (including pre-sales) of summer archives in 2023 exceeded 20 billion yuan. "The hottest summer season" has become a foregone conclusion.

In addition to cinemas, the performance market represented by concerts and music festivals has also become a hot summer consumption spot. Performance venues in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are even in short supply.

Li Xinjian, Executive Director of the Capital Culture and Tourism Development Institute of Beijing International Studies University, said that through research tours, concerts and other popular cultural and tourism products, summer culture and tourism consumption were further promoted, highlighting the soaring demand for spiritual culture.

On the night of August 8, tourists lit up their mobile phones to participate in the concert on Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain (UAV photo). Photographed by Zhang Keren, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Going to a city for a concert" has not only become a cultural phenomenon, but also shows a strong multiplier effect. According to the data report of Diaoyin 2023 summer cultural tourism, the summer music festival and concert related topics were played 36.07 billion times, which led to a 72% month on month increase in travel orders and 86% month on month increase in sales in Wuhan scenic spots, and a 70% month on month increase in travel orders and 92% month on month increase in sales in Xi'an scenic spots.

Behind the show craze is people's increasing demand for the cultural connotation of tourism products. From Suzhou Garden to the opening of night tour mode, 46 museums in Beijing were cancelled closing on Monday in summer to facilitate tourists to visit; From the immersive art exhibition featured by Shanghai TeamLab Boundless Art Museum to the launch of six summer study tours of the film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" in Qujiang New Area of Xi'an, the form of tourism has long been more than just sightseeing.

"On the demand side, the current residents are more willing to consume the service items that are pleasing to the body and mind." Guo Liyan, director of the Situation Office of the Decision making Consulting Department of the China Academy of Macroeconomics, said that from cinemas to concerts, the demand for cultural and entertainment consumption has accelerated to translate into actual consumption expenditure, effectively boosting the optimization and innovation of cultural and tourism industry.

More integration, more segmentation, and continuous innovation of cultural and tourism industry

Responding to the market hot spots, innovative cultural and tourism products are constantly emerging in the summer, leading the trend of cultural and tourism industry.

Cultural and tourism integration is advancing in depth——

Since the summer vacation, the popularity of Jiayuguan Pass Scenic Area in Gansu has continued to rise, with an average daily tourist volume of about 25000.

This is the Jiayuguan Pass City (UAV photo) taken on August 7. Photographed by Zhang Keren, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"The scenic spot allows tourists to experience the unique frontier fortress culture in an all-round way through the live performance of the Ming Dynasty soldiers and soldiers, the antique customs clearance experience and other projects," Cao Wenjuan, deputy general manager of Jiayuguan Guancheng Scenic Spot Development and Operation Co., Ltd., said.

Mining historical stories, increasing high-tech projects, launching theme performances... More and more scenic spots realize that it is the only way to give more cultural value to tourism.

Xie Xiaoqing, a senior researcher of Ctrip Research Institute, believes that the hot spots of cultural tourism in summer should inspire us to strengthen the deep integration of cultural tourism, actively promote digital transformation, improve the quality and efficiency of tourism services by using scientific and technological means, and layout virtual tourism and online cultural activities in the future.

The demand of the masses is developing towards subdivision——

In Quanzhou, Fujian Province, 10 "Quanzhou Ancient City Walk" roaming lines were launched in the summer. The same street roaming can meet tourists' demands from experiencing world cultural heritage to experiencing local snacks.

Experts pointed out that providing more personalized and subdivided tourism products will help to better meet the people's needs for a better life.

Li Xinjian mentioned that the integration of cultural, commercial, sports, tourism and other fields should be strengthened to stimulate market potential with more diversified product supply, product innovation closer to market demand, and more flexible supply mechanism.

Cultural and tourism industry moves towards high quality——

On July 24, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice requiring that the opening management level of summer tourist attractions should be improved to better meet the people's tourism needs.

The cultural tourism market is hot in summer, but many museums are hard to get tickets and concert tickets are "second light", which also reflects the scarcity of high-quality cultural tourism products, and the market calls for strengthening supply.

In Guo Liyan's view, the coordinated promotion of the construction of modern market infrastructure and high standard market system, and the continuous improvement of the quality and level of sports, leisure, cultural and tourism health consumption services will help the benign development of the cultural and tourism industry.

"From the perspective of boosting consumer confidence, we should be guided by tourist satisfaction, make up for weaknesses in tourism infrastructure and public services, repair the tourism industry chain, so that tourists can have scenery and scenes to see, and prepare for the upcoming Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays," said Dai Bin.


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