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Changes in color preference of jadeite

Release time: September 23, 2017 Source: Beijing Feicui Street

    Emerald colour , Is it blue or yellow ? of course , The regular color is very beautiful , But color cast things , Yellow and blue have beautiful colors .


In the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China , China is still a mainland country , Mainly agricultural production , People at that time , I like yellow things , Yellowish green , It is a symbol of agricultural production and vitality . It can be seen from the choice of jade used by emperors . This feature , Appreciation of the mainland and Hong Kong directly to future generations , Have direct impact .


Later, Japan was influenced by Chinese culture , Love jadeite , Because of the island country , I prefer blue things , So blue and green things are sought after . Memories of the teacher Fu who lived in Qingshan , It can prove this , They are good at planting , Bluish , Even things with oil , It's called Japanese . Cultural Revolution Foreign Trade Buys Japan , It's still this kind of love . Until after the reform and opening up , Japan came to China to buy jade , It's the same .


Later, Taiwan's economy rose , They buy Emerald , Influenced by Japan's fifty year colonial education , And is also an island , I also like things with blue tones . Blue is the ocean that can be seen every day , It is the activity space and food place provided by heaven .


In recent years , Japan's economy stagnates , Taiwan's economic leap is not like before , And the strength of mainland buyers has greatly increased . Yellow things are popular again . The price of yellow series products soared from raw materials to finished products .


These geographical factors and economic strength , Directly affect the price of Cui . Plus the strong sunshine in the south , Blue things are beautiful in the sun , In the north, the opposite is true , There is a certain difference .


With the continuous development of China's mainland economy , The yellow series will rise .

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