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All jadeite classification

Gold is valuable, jade is priceless?

Release time: November 27, 2015 Source: Beijing Feicui Street

    “ Gold is valuable, jade is priceless This is the market right Emerald A saying of jade, in fact, mainly means that there are too many factors that determine the price of jade, and the price difference is too big for jade and jadeite. Is it true that jade and jadeite are priceless? In fact, it is also wrong to plant jadeite. Water. Color. The price can be determined by analyzing the shape and the purchase cost of jadeite and jade ores. The following is the analysis of various qualities of Feicui Street.


      1 Bright green. Green is neither tender nor unripe. It is verdant. Blue and yellow are appropriate, green is full of vitality, and it is the top color and imperial color. The seed is old bell (similar to human body), and the bottom is glass seed (similar to human inner), which is like a drop of dew on the green leaves that have grown for a while. If there is no defect, it will be more top level.

      2 Dark green.     The green is straight and deep, like full green leaves, and the blue and yellow flavors are appropriate. It is the color of the emperor. For example, the structure is old bell, and the bottom is glass, which is more top class.

      3 Positive green


    In green, the yellow flavor is strong, and the blue flavor is little, like a leaf with a slightly yellow background. If planted well and bottom water is good, it will give people a warm feeling. Sun green. Dark green and bright green are the colors of emperors.

   4 Bean green

  In the green tone, the yellow flavor is weak, the blue flavor is strong, and it feels a bit greenish. It's the same color as beans.

   5 the vivid green

This kind of color is a bit like the color of fresh shoots or grass.

   6 Blue-green


In the green tone, the blue flavor is emphasized.

  7 Oleoresin

This color is too green and dark.

seven The color of dry green seems to be immature. There are patches of black or white in the green background. This kind of material usually has no seeds and water, and some are obviously cracked.

eight Jadeite  

There are red and yellow. It's better to have water.

nine violet

It is also called spring scenery. Pink purple. Eggplant purple, etc.


Black jadeite, if you see through strong light, you will see green.

11  Multicolor

A piece of jadeite has more than two colors. If matched properly, it is very valuable for collection.

Secondary bottom water

   1 Glass bottom

It is similar to glass, with glass like luster and texture. If there are impurities such as cotton, the grade shall be reduced.

 2 Ice seed


Beautiful bottom water, like fog or ice on the glass. If impurities such as cotton exceed one fifth of the articles, they should be degraded.

three Underwater

This kind of substrate has a general sense of permeability, and in some parts it has reached the glass seed or ice seed, but some are dark, and there are many impurities such as cotton wadding.

four Glutinous bottom

It is a kind of base that looks like frozen wax, a bit like wax, but it is more transparent than wax.

five Lotus root powder foundation

The foundation is as bright as dark, a bit hazy. Some places seem thick, and some places seem thin. There must be white cotton.

seven Rice soup base

If you eat and drink rice soup, you can see that foundation, which is basically impermeable, with white cotton.

eight Dry bottom

This kind of bottom is impermeable, and its value is mainly increased by color.

The close type of three material structures needs to be summarized through experience.

 1 Laozhong


two Semi old and semi new species


three The tender structure looks loose.

Four shapes and sizes On the premise that the objects are of good water color, the ones whose shapes conform to the aesthetic proportion and the ones with large size have more collection value.  

   Although there is no unified standard in the country, this price level in the industry can be summarized through the above qualities, and then through the price level of Myanmar public offer, a market value can be summarized.


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