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What is Yinxiang? Introduction to Yinxiang app functions

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Author: West West Click: 0 times Comments: 0 times label: Yinxiang

Yinxiang app V2.1.2 Android
  • Type: Life service size: 13.0M Language: chinese Rating: ten
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What is Yinxiang Yinxiang is a local life information service platform specially built for the people of Yinzhou. Through Yinxiang app, users can get local hot news at the first time, and it also provides many convenient functions. What are the specific functions of Yinxiang app

Yinxiang app function introduction:

The home page of Yinxiang app brings you the latest news information, including multiple news channels, including news, film, collection, watching, history, newspaper and other channels. Each channel is designed very humanized to meet users' reading needs

In the politics asking column, you can conduct government information through the politics asking function, and report adverse events around you. You can also submit any good ideas or suggestions online. The functions are very complete and can meet the needs of the people

Service column, through which users can inquire about traffic violations, make appointments for registration, check train tickets Housing Provident Fund And social security inquiry, which has brought great convenience to people's lives. Let people experience the smart life brought by the Internet without leaving home

This is all about the functions of Yinxiang app. If you need it, you can download it from Xixi

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