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What are the hidden options of iOS 10? How to optimize iPhone storage space

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What are the hidden options of iOS 10? How to optimize iPhone storage space? It is believed that many iPhone users will be troubled by the problem of insufficient storage space of iPhone or iPad. In fact, how to optimize the storage space of iPhone without deleting some applications and content? There is a hidden setting in the iOS 10 system that can relieve users' storage pressure. Let's take a closer look at the tape weaving.

What are the hidden options of iOS 10?

This feature will automatically remove music that has not been played in iPhone for a long time.

This setting is called "optimizing storage space". It is very useful for users who download a lot of music on iPhone or iPad.

How to optimize iPhone storage space?

To find this option, the user needs to click Settings – Music – Optimize storage space, then turn on the switch, select the minimum storage space, which is 8GB (about 1600 songs) at the minimum and 64GB (about 12800 songs) at the maximum. If your iPhone doesn't have enough space, this feature will automatically remove music that hasn't played for a long time.

In addition, if you feel that the storage space is insufficient, but you haven't downloaded many music files, you can consider another solution, such as the new product iXpand Base launched by Sandisk last week, which can automatically back up the files in the iPhone at night.

The method of optimizing iPhone storage space has been introduced. I hope it can help you.

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