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Rebellious Million King Arthur Guild Activity How to Play Guild Activity Introduction

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Rebellious One Million King Arthur How to play guild activities? Many players don't know much about this guild activity, but this game is also very important. There are mainly three kinds of game, namely, the guild guard war, hunting war and the king of beasts. This game can have a significant impact on the guild's buildings. Next, Xixi will bring you the game strategy of the guild activity!

1、 Guild Guard War

Guild Guard War is probably the most concise and understandable activity. The play method is not complicated. In simple terms, it is tower defense, which can defend against the invasion of monsters. The faster you kill monsters, the more points you can score. (Is this the role of SM's cannon?) In other words, the more people, the more output, the higher the score.

Monsters have birth points and waves. The strength and number of monsters will gradually increase with waves. As the owner's memory is not very good, I only vaguely remember several special oddities:

Quasi factor self destructing element (can explode! Boom can explode a tube of blood), Martango type witch (can regenerate blood?), devil elite (can not eat hatred, will directly go to attack the building), mermaid (can also regenerate blood? Forget it).

As for the birth point of the monster, there are several random brush points, and they are very close to the building, which can allow Arthur the Iron Fist to taunt the monster and SM to kill it quickly.

The health of the building is linked to the guild score, and the building will buff the player.

The Guild Guard Battle is to guard three buildings:

Guild main city, equipment house, jewelry house. The main city can be regarded as the base crystal. If the crystal is exploded, it can only be GG; The equipment room provides shield bonus to players; The Jewelry House will refresh buffs randomly at the brush buff points on the map. The movement speed buff is very easy to use. It is only for patrols.

Attached below is a graph of random strange spots (red spots are fixed strange spots, stars are random strange spots)

2、 Guild Hunting War

Hunting is a simple and understandable activity. Guild partners form a team to hunt bosses together, and then rank the guild according to the output of each team, and rank the guild according to the total output of each team, so this is a pure output activity.

Since it is output, how should the teams be allocated? The length (B) of a meeting (hanging) next door has already coded a strategy. Let me briefly describe it here. The strongest team should be 3 Bobcats and 2 team leaders.

SM, as the only DPS profession in the game, must have SM for output. As for the head of the regiment, because he can't cut the plates, he has a limited number of slots.

The two team leaders can make up C seamlessly, as well as critically hit buffs and blood sucking buffs, which ensures the output and endurance of the team. As well as the attached wound card of the regiment leader, it is increased according to the damage of the attacker, which is different from the chasing wound of Xiaoli. In fact, this additional wound can use an extra knife, because the attached wound can trigger the special effect of general attack (critical blood sucking, etc.). Look at the three rows of buffs of two regiment leaders It's really a feast for the eyes. The attached figure is as follows

3、 Guild Beast King

This activity is a bit complicated, but it is much more interesting than the previous two free standing activities.

It is said to be a royal beast, but in fact it is a special 5V5 pvp. However, this PVP is different from Arthur's selection battle. The winning condition is not to kill all players, but to kill the guardians of the opposing guild.

Before the start of the beast war, the guild leader can change the attributes of the guard beasts. There are three kinds of guard beasts, Fenghubing. The restraint between the guardians is very important, which will be highlighted below.

Every time there are two rounds of animal fighting, you can reorganize your team and go out to hunt dog food

Then when the time comes, enter the match, and then enter the Beast King battlefield. At the beginning, both guardians were invincible. Players can kill wild monsters, collect, kill neutral bosses, and kill enemy players to gain energy. When the energy bar reaches 100, the guardian beast will suppress the enemy guardian beast. Both guardian beasts will get a shield, which is linked to the energy value.

The suppressor's guard animal will invade the enemy's guard animal and attack it. At the same time, players can also attack the enemy's guard animal. The maximum suppression time is 60 seconds. If the shield is broken during this period, the suppressor's guard animal will return to its place. The outcome is determined by the amount of blood of the guardian beast. When the time ends, which side has more blood will win. If the boss is killed, the killing party wins.

The restraint between the guardians is directly related to the outcome of the game. If our guardians are restrained, even if our situation is excellent, we may lose; Similarly, even at a disadvantage, victory is possible. The reason is that there is a big gap between the restraint and non restraint damage of the guardian beast. Cats seldom practice wind sabre, so the ice attribute has an advantage. Of course, they can also do the opposite. The guardian beast chooses the wind attribute to counter the opposite ice attribute guardian beast.

As for the fire attribute guardians, it is impossible to choose them. First of all, because bosses such as Stardog and Luther are fire attributes, SM can practice water sabre. Second, most guild guardians are ice attributes, and the fire attribute is restrained.

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