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Naruto Mobile Tour How to Play with Dario Dario Skill Introduction

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Naruto mobile game Many players don't know how to play, how to play and how to move in tandem. Next, Xixi brings the playing skills of Dahe's secret skills. I don't know how to play this role. Go to find out

Naruto mobile game and dark play skills:

[Start move]

Wooden Dun · Mallet: When standing on a wooden block, the wooden part summoned by this skill can smash the enemy to create a flying attack effect. If we are close to the enemy at this time, we can successfully connect the common attack combo;

Wooden Dun · Wooden Parting Technique: the first starting skill of Dahe [the dark side], not only does not need to use the body to approach the enemy at risk, but also can link up the general attack after using the split hit to keep the split synchronized attack;

Secret scroll skills: since Dahe [the dark part] mainly uses continuous moves and bursts in the duel field, most of them carry hand or cohesive secret scroll skills, and hand secret scroll skills can be directly used to control in battle.

[Lian Zhao Skill]

Secret Scroll Skill+Wooden Dun · Mallet (common ground and wooden block)+Wooden Dun · Wooden Separation Technique+Common Attack (several sets)+Wooden Dun · Tree Binding Permanent Burial

In this combo, we first use the secret scroll skill (or some psychic beasts) to control (stiffness, flying, floating, etc.), then throw "Wooden Dun · Mallet" to hit a section of damage first, and then use the Wooden Fen called by "Wooden Dun · Wooden Fen Shen" to quickly approach the enemy and manipulate the Fen Shen to use ordinary attacks, Finally, we use the general attack of the ontology to connect and use the Upanism skills to finish. Dahe [Dark Part] can use more general attack sets in the corner. The specific use depends on the environment and the opponent's stunt time.

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