Special water retaining agent for tree planting (Release date: June 3, 2024 Expiry date: September 22, 2026) This information has been viewed fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty-three Times)

Special water retaining agent for tree planting

Product specification: 25kg/pack
Product packaging: standard
Product price: Electric discussion

detailed description:

Special water retaining agent for tree planting

The special water retaining agent for planting trees can effectively improve the survival rate of planting in poor and poor geological conditions, enhance the drought resistance of plants, save irrigation water, and effectively slow down water and fertilizer nutrition. It can greatly promote the development of roots and lateral branches, significantly improve the survival rate of newly planted seedlings, greatly improve the rigidity, elasticity, resilience, regeneration and ornamental ability of branches and leaves, make the color more beautiful, create a green environment and improve the landscape quality. At the same time, it can improve the soil aggregate structure, enhance the upper elasticity, enhance the drought resistance, save half of the spray irrigation water, and extend the spray irrigation interval. The water retaining agent creates a balanced and suitable humidity micro ecological environment for the beneficial microorganisms in the fertilizer, which is conducive to the formation of the dominant flora in the rhizosphere of the seedlings, maintaining stable biological activity, and enhancing the effects of nitrogen fixation, phosphorus and potassium release. It can promote the soil to become loamy, and greatly improve the system ecological functions of seedlings, tree species, soil, fertilizer, water, light, air, heat and other elements. This product is durable, non-toxic and has no side effects.

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Enterprise name: Beijing Shenglanlin Ecological Technology Co., Ltd Ordinary member of China Garden Network
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Postal code: 102600
Contact: Manager Zhang
Tel.: 010-68227673
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Enterprise website: http://bjshenglanlin.yuanlin.com
mail box: bjshenglanlin@163.com
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