Shade price/supply (Release date: June 3, 2024 Expiry date: May 28, 2025) This information has been viewed thirty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-four Times)

Shade price/supply

Product quantity: of large number
Product specification: complete
Product packaging: According to customer demand
Product price: Contact by telephone, face-to-face

detailed description:

Sunshade net, also known as shading net, shading net, sunscreen net, heat insulation net, etc., is a new type of special protective covering material for agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, windproof, earth covering, etc. After covering in summer, it can play a variety of roles such as shading, wind protection, light blocking, rain blocking, moisture retention and cooling. After covering in winter and spring, there are also some functions such as heat preservation and moisture enhancement. The new shading net is characterized by strong tensile resistance, aging resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, portability, etc. It is mainly used for protective cultivation of vegetables, sweet potatoes, edible fungi, flowers, seedlings, landscaping, medicinal materials, ginseng, ganoderma lucidum and other crops and aquaculture and poultry industry, with obvious effect on increasing production.  

There are two main ways to sell sunscreen: one is by weight, the other is by area. Generally, the recycled fabric mesh sold by weight is of low quality, with a service life of 2-3 months. This mesh is characterized by thick silk, hard mesh, rough, dense mesh, and heavy weight. The net sold by area is generally new material net with a service life of 1-3-5 years. This net is characterized by light weight, moderate flexibility, flat surface and luster. Buyers should know how much area they need, what to do, and how about the shading rate, and take what they need. * After that, we recommend to buyers some suggestions on how to identify high-quality shading nets for reference only: 1. The net surface is flat and smooth, flat wires are parallel to the gap, neat and even, and the longitude and latitude are clear and bright. 2. Good finish, quality and brightness, deep black and bright, rather than the feeling of bright float. 3. Moderate flexibility, elasticity, no stiffness, no roughness, flat space and thick texture. 4. Regular fixed length packaging with clear shading rate, specifications and dimensions. 5. There is no peculiar smell and bad smell, and some are just light burnt smell of plastic. Thank you for your coming!!  

Performance: shading, cooling, moisturizing, rainstorm prevention, wind dust resistance and pest mitigation;  
Features: heat resistance, cold resistance, aging resistance, tear resistance, strong toughness, easy to use, long life, low price, etc;  
Use: Mainly used for the cultivation of melons, vegetables, flowers, fruit seedlings, edible fungi, as well as various breeding farms, families, markets, etc
Network width: 2-10m; Net length: within 100m;  
Sun shading rate: 50% - 95%
Color: blue, green, black, etc.  

The shading net is also called shading net, sunscreen net and shading net. Now we introduce the application of shading net in planting vegetables: 1. How to use the shading net

1. Leaf vegetables are covered in the early stage. The method is: when leafy vegetables are sown, cover the border with a shading net. After the seeds emerge, remove the shading net. Insert bamboo at both ends of the border 80~100cm above the ground to tighten the net. Cover it for about 10-20 days. When the plant leaves can basically cover the border, remove the shading net and let it grow in the open.  
2. In summer and autumn, plant coriander, lettuce, celery, garland chrysanthemum, onion, etc. with a shading net slightly off the ground, from planting to harvesting, and cover them for a long time.  
3. Sow early autumn cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and other seedlings early in the hot and rainy season in summer and autumn. Methods: (1) Direct seeding method: after sowing, cover the seedlings with shading net for 10-20 days to ensure that the seedlings are neat and strong, and then remove the black gauze net to let them grow naturally. (2) Seedling raising and transplanting method: cover 5-10 days after sowing, plant for about 15 days at seedling stage, and cover for another 5 days after planting.  

2、 The function of shading net

1. It can prevent direct scouring by rainstorm. Covering the shading net can turn the rainstorm into fog rain, prevent the direct scouring of raindrops on seeds, seedlings and soil, and weaken the impact of rainstorm, thus maintaining the soil particle structure, preventing the soil from hardening, and improving the seedling emergence rate and survival rate of seedlings.  
2. It can reduce the border surface temperature. According to the measurement, the border temperature can be reduced by 5-10 degrees at high temperature, which is conducive to the growth of vegetables.  
3. It can prevent strong light radiation. Covered with black shading net, the light intensity in the shed can be reduced by 50-90%, and the water evaporation capacity can be reduced by more than 50% than that in the open field, thus forming a cool microclimate and microenvironment, keeping the soil moist and conducive to the growth of vegetables.  
4. Avoid pests and diseases. According to the experimental investigation, the effect of covering aphid with shading net is 95%, and the control effect of cabbage heart virus is 95%. It can also inhibit the occurrence and spread of various vegetable diseases.  
5. Heat preservation, cold resistance, frost prevention, wind dust prevention, etc. In late autumn, winter and early spring, the night is covered with shading net, and the temperature can be 2-5 ℃ higher than that in open land.  
In addition, the shading net: two needle shading rate 50-70%; Three stitches, shading rate about

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Enterprise name: Army Bayi Nursery Stock 800000 mu Base Golden Crown Member of China Garden Network
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