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The "Ecological Cycle" Tour of Guanshan Town

2024-06-17 Source: China Xuzhou Net Xuzhou Daily Editor: Yang Qingyu
2024-06-17 China Xuzhou Net Xuzhou Daily
Guanshan Town of Suining County turned waste straw into "soft gold". Photographed by our reporter Wu Peijian

Our reporter Liu Zuolin Wu Peijian Correspondent Xiao Tong Chen Chen

Editor's Note

It's wheat harvest time again. As the main wheat producing area in China, while ensuring the high yield and income of wheat, our city continues to explore the comprehensive utilization of straw, improve the straw collection, storage and transportation system, and form a diversified utilization mode of straw collection, storage and use, leaving the "ecological burden" of past worries out of the field and becoming a "golden wealth" of grabs. From "burning" to "turning grass into gold", these straw products, which are integrated with ecological, green, environmental protection, nature and other elements, not only promote the rural ecological environment to improve significantly, but also help to achieve tax increase, enterprise profit increase and farmers' income increase. From now on, this newspaper will launch a series of reports on "N Places to Go for Straw", focusing on the experience and practices of various places in Xuzhou in promoting the comprehensive utilization of straw.

On June 11, in the wheat field of Zhanghong Community, Guanshan Town, Suining County, two straw balers were shuttling back and forth, "spitting out" bundles of golden straw from time to time; In the straw collection and storage center of Guanshan Town, workers operate the grab to stack the trucks of straw bales in order; In the mushroom room of Jiangsu Zhongyou Xinghe Bacterium Technology Co., Ltd., clusters of snow-white bisporus mushrooms "drill" out of the medium containing straw; Xuzhou Youtian Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the dithering live broadcast room, can sell 7000 pieces of nutrient soil made of fungus residue containing straw a day

Guanshan Town, Suining County, led by green development and guided by improving the resource utilization of agricultural waste, has explored a comprehensive utilization road of straw, which is dominated by the utilization of straw as base material and supplemented by the utilization of straw as fertilizer and feed, making the "ecological burden" of past worries become a hot "golden wealth".

Perfect straw collection, storage and transportation system

"For our major grain growers, if the wheat straw is not cleaned up in time, it will affect the planting of corn in the next season, and I have made 15 trips today." At about 5:00 p.m. on June 10, when the last truck of straw was unloaded today, Zhu Yougang, a major grain grower in Tianli Village, Guanshan Town, said, "There is a straw collection and storage center in the town, and the transportation of straw alone can earn nearly 8000 yuan these days."

In the straw storage center of Guanshan Town, every truck of straw will be weighed and registered, and the staff will use a tester to measure the moisture of straw.

At the straw collection and storage center in Guanshan Town, the reporter saw Zhang Feng, the person in charge of Xuzhou Jianong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., who was checking the straw collection and storage in each storage shed that day.

"Guanshan Town has planted nearly 100000 mu of wheat this year, making it a major town of straw production. In promoting the comprehensive utilization of straw, Guanshan Town has actively explored and built '1+12' straw storage greenhouses (namely, Guanshan Town's straw storage center+12 village level straw storage sites), forming a perfect system of collection, storage and transportation." Zhang Feng introduced that, "This summer's harvest is expected to be 27200 tons of straw in the town, which will be used by Jiangsu Zhongyou Xinghe Bacterial Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises in the town, driving the collective economic income of the village (community) by 150000 yuan on average."

"Small Straws" to Extend the Industrial Chain

In the workshop of Jiangsu Zhongyou Xinghe Bacterial Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guanshan Town, Suining County, workers are picking quickly in the workshop with constant temperature and humidity. A large area of white and lovely agaricus bisporus exudes a delicious smell.

"This is a pollution-free organic mushroom, which can be eaten directly." Du Jian, chairman of the National People's Congress of Guanshan Town, said, "The bottom of the agaricus bisporus is paved with straw and peat soil, which can mature in more than a week. You can harvest three crops at a time. Every time you plant, you need to replace the straw and peat soil, and you can 'eat' 50000 tons of straw a year. There are 6 mushroom houses built in the whole factory, each of which can produce 20 tons a day, all of which are sold to Beijing, Shanghai and other first tier cities. "

Not far from Jiangsu Zhongyou Xinghe Bacterial Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Xuzhou Yonghao Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is also a major player in the "scramble" for straw. In a standard dairy house of 54000 square meters, cows are eating mixed straw feed with relish.

Open the overall structure map of the ecological circular industrial chain in Guanshan Town. In addition to the circular economic model of "straw base material edible fungus cultivation fungus residue organic fertilizer production planting", more than 20 industries are involved, from straw feed breeding to clean energy, forestry, organic agriculture, and then to deep processing projects such as meat products and fresh milk, with a clear path.

"Straw" is used to make "ecological ledger" better

In Guanshan Town, straw has become the base material for cultivating agaricus bisporus and the feed for cows, which is not the end of the straw "journey". Mushrooms and cows, which consume a large amount of straw, produce mushroom residues and livestock and poultry waste, which has spawned a number of organic fertilizer manufacturers to achieve recycling.

On the afternoon of June 11, the reporter saw in Xuzhou Youtian Biotechnology Co., Ltd. that workers were busy repacking, packaging and loading nutrient soil.

"We use the bacteria residue produced by Zhongyou Xinghe Bacteria Industry, add cow dung for fermentation, and then add peat soil, coconut bran, perlite, etc. to form high-end nutrient soil after mixing, crushing, and screening, which is mainly used for urban home gardening." Liang Kun, director of the production plant of Xuzhou Youtian Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said that it is now in the peak sales season, and the company's daily order volume is about 7000, The annual sales volume is nearly 15 million yuan.

It is understood that Guanshan Town will focus on building a national agricultural modernization demonstration zone and a global ecological recycling agricultural characteristic park, striving to create a national advanced demonstration zone for green agriculture development.

"Guanshan Town makes full use of the 'straw' to achieve a 'win-win' for economy and ecology. Through the comprehensive utilization of straw, it effectively reduces the occurrence of straw burning, improves the living environment, significantly improves the air quality, and brings happiness to the people with blue sky and clear water," said Du Jian.

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