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Xuzhou Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Collection: Blending of Tradition and Modernity

2024-06-16 Source: China Xuzhou Website Editor: Ha Xiaorui
2024-06-16 China Xuzhou Network

On June 10, the second Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Fair and 2024 Dragon Boat Race on the Great Dragon Lake held in Xuzhou City is not only a feast of sports competition, but also a grand event that perfectly integrates tradition and modernity, culture and sports. This activity not only demonstrated the unique charm of Xuzhou as a national water ecological civilized city, but also pushed the traditional folk culture of the Dragon Boat Festival to a new height.

Dragon boat race is one of the most representative traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. It not only embodies the spirit of teamwork and striving to be the first, but also carries a profound cultural heritage. On the Dalong Lake in Xuzhou, 20 dragon boat teams paddled and danced with the waves on the river, presenting a feast of sight and hearing for the audience. This is not only the inheritance of the dragon boat spirit, but also the promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.  

Dragon boat race on the river, and "collection" on the bank. In addition to the dragon boat race, folk activities such as Zongzi making contest, sachet making, intangible cultural heritage project exhibition are also brilliant. These activities not only enrich the festival atmosphere, but also let citizens and tourists feel the charm of traditional culture in their participation. In particular, the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage projects, such as sugar blowing people, Xuzhou sachets, and Xuzhou straw weaving, not only let people appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship, but also let people understand the story and cultural connotation behind these traditional skills.  

It is worth mentioning that Xuzhou also demonstrated its unique charm as a national water ecological civilized city through this activity. From the old Yellow River to Yunlong Lake and then to Dalong Lake, the water system pattern of Xuzhou has been fully demonstrated, which also reflects the city's emphasis on ecological civilization construction. This is not only the protection of the natural environment, but also the inheritance and development of traditional culture.  

What is more rare is that this event also incorporated a large number of civilized slogans and slogans, and the awareness of civilization bloomed everywhere in this festival. Let citizens and tourists feel the power of civilization in their participation. The demonstration of the ten typical advanced deeds of morality in Xuzhou added a touch of bright color to the event. These moving stories not only make people feel the power of morality, but also stimulate people's motivation to be good.  

However, while appreciating the success of the event, we should also see some shortcomings. First of all, the hot weather on the day of the event caused some trouble to the participants and audience. Although the organizers have taken some heatstroke prevention measures, there is still room for improvement. In future activities, more sunshade facilities and sufficient drinking water can be considered to ensure the health and safety of participants and spectators.  

Secondly, the difficulty of parking around has become a problem for many citizens and tourists. Although some parking spaces have been set up at the event site, the number is limited, which is difficult to meet the parking needs of a large number of vehicles. It is suggested that the sponsor coordinate with relevant departments in the future, plan the parking area in advance, increase temporary parking spaces, and provide more convenient parking services for citizens and tourists.  

In addition, some citizens reported that the race track was short and failed to fully demonstrate the intensity and excellence of dragon boat race. Although this is limited by the venue and other objective factors, the sponsor can consider to extend the length of the track or increase the number of races to better show the charm of dragon boat racing on the premise of ensuring safety.  

In general, the Xuzhou Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Collection and 2024 Dragon Boat Race on the Great Dragon Lake is a successful event, which not only shows the unique charm and traditional culture of Xuzhou, but also reflects the organizers' pursuit of a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. In the future activities, we expect the organizers to continue to pay attention to the improvement of details and bring more wonderful and perfect experiences to citizens and tourists. (Wang Xudong)

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