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Random Comments | Father's Day, Thanksgiving Father's Love in the Name of the Festival

2024-06-16 Source: China Xuzhou Website Editor: Ha Xiaorui
2024-06-16 China Xuzhou Network

On the third Sunday in June, we ushered in another year's Father's Day. For everyone, this day is a special day to show respect and gratitude to their father. Although everyone has different expectations for their fathers, Father's Day is more like a Thanksgiving in a broad sense for us.

Psychologist Gerdi once said, "The emergence of a father is a unique existence, which has a special power to cultivate children." The company of a father is the most valuable wealth in children's life. Every moment spent with the father will become a precious memory of children's future growth. Father's love is as delicate and silent as spring rain. When you squat down and communicate with children, you teach them how to treat others equally; When you carry children on your back, you give them warmth and security; When you constantly overcome challenges in life, you also virtually taught them persistence and perseverance.

"I saw him hobbling to the railway side wearing a black cloth jacket and a dark blue cloth jacket. He gradually leaned down. It was not a big disaster. But it was not easy for him to cross the railway and climb up the platform there." Mr. Zhu Ziqing's description of his father's back attracted many people's tears, which was the most real look of his father in the eyes of most people.

Father's love is like a mountain, although towering into the clouds, it is deep and reserved. Because father himself is a vivid textbook, so that children can learn to think independently and move forward tenaciously through observation and perception. In the company, the father uses his words and deeds to convey his unique views on life to the children. Every time we accompany him, we deeply feel his father's ordinariness and greatness. His words and actions may seem ordinary and simple, but his words and deeds have had a profound and moving impact on children.

Father, this identity is not only a label, but also a heavy responsibility to guide children on the road of becoming adults. We are often touched by those clumsy and affectionate moments when we are new fathers. Their tense nerves and careful actions reveal their deep love and responsibility for children. This responsibility, from the moment they become fathers, has been firmly rooted in the heart, along with every stage of children's growth.

Every father is shouldering the responsibility of healthy growth of children in his own way. They not only teach children how to become an excellent person in life, but also transmit the wisdom and values of life invisibly. Their words and deeds help children to understand the true meaning of life from the philosophy of "being calm and distant, being indifferent to ambition", and learn the principles of life from the teaching of "doing evil in small ways, doing good in small ways".

In the role transformation between son and father, men experience the ups and downs of life, and shoulder an unshirkable responsibility. In this process, they are both those who look up to and those who are looked up to. They look up to their father and thank the great image who silently pays and accompanies their growth; At the same time, they are also looked up to by their children and shoulder the responsibility of leading their children to the future.

On this special day of Father's Day, let us deeply understand and appreciate every ordinary and great father. They use companionship and education to interpret the depth and depth of fatherly love. On Father's Day, let's understand and care for our father together, and say to our dear father, "Happy Father's Day!" (Text: Jixiang Cartoon: Wang Zepeng)

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