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The yield per mu is 1700 jin, hitting new highs! Xinyi, Jiangsu: The "Secret" Behind the High Yield of Wheat

2024-06-13 Source: Xinyi Financial Media Editor: Ha Xiaorui
2024-06-13 Xinyi Financing Media

The wind blows the wheat and the land is covered with gold. Recently, the wheat yield of some plots in Baishi Village, Shiji Town, Xinyi City was 1700 jin per mu.

On June 10, in the wheat field of Chen Siguang, a grain grower in Baishi Village, Shiji Town, the surveyor measured the area of the wheat field with a tape measure, and then the harvester drove into the wheat field to start harvesting. After harvesting, the staff took out a grain moisture meter to detect the moisture content of wheat grains, and then bagged and weighed the wheat grains.

Han Yeyang, director of the agricultural and rural office of Shiji Town, told reporters: "At present, the yield is 3.7 mu, the water content is 20, and the measured result is 856 kg."

The key to achieving a new high in yield measurement is the combination of improved varieties and methods. It is understood that the high-yield demonstration field covers an area of 350 mu. It adopts the drip irrigation water fertilizer integration technology mode, integrates a set of green yield increasing technologies, and scientifically selects new wheat varieties with high yield, high quality, wide adaptability and stress resistance in terms of variety selection; In terms of planting technology, we should focus on improving the organic content of soil, promote the application of straw crushing and deep turning, precision sowing, formula fertilization and other technologies, and cultivate a good topsoil; In terms of management mode, the precision management of water, fertilizer and bacteria is realized by increasing microbial agents through drip irrigation; At the same time, fertilizer is moved backward and jointing fertilizer is applied again to ensure that wheat straw is thick and strong in lodging resistance.

Chen Siguang, a large planter, said: "At present, dozens of mu have been harvested, and the yield has been measured four times, with the yield of about 850 kg. God measured two households, one is 906 kg per mu, and the other is 930 kg per mu. The yield per mu is about 700 to 800 kg more than that of ordinary planting, and 900 to 1000 yuan per mu will be charged more."

The market town is This year, a major grain and agriculture town in Xinyi City, with the focus on ensuring the area, improving the quality, increasing the yield and improving the efficiency, and with the main goal of "stabilizing the yield and increasing the income, improving the quality and efficiency", the town implemented the strategy of "storing grain on the ground, storing grain in technology", actively promoted the green, high-quality, efficient and standardized production technology model, and built a 350 mu green, high-quality and efficient wheat planting base in Baishi Village Fertilizer saving and other technologies reduce production costs and improve the utilization rate of water and fertilizer. At the same time, the road network, power grid, forest network, bridge and culvert, irrigation pipe network and other infrastructure will be improved to improve agricultural production conditions and provide strong support for food security and sustainable agricultural development.

Edited by: Ha Xiaorui

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