Products and services

Provide enterprises with safe, stable and valuable information services

Housekeeper is a money cat

The purchase, sale and storage system of mobile Internet mode makes it easy to manage people, finance and materials

  • Multi terminal use, data interchange
  • Easy to use, efficient collaboration
  • Sign up and get started in 5 minutes

Housekeeper Cloud Industry and Trade SMART

Integrated management of production, supply and marketing helps small and micro manufacturing enterprises grow rapidly

  • Order oriented, integrated production, supply and marketing
  • Graphical display of business data
  • Key node control, simple and efficient

Housekeeper Poyun Finance and Trade Series

ERP management software of industry/finance/tax integration tailored for small, medium-sized and micro business enterprises

  • Industry finance tax, full link management
  • Multi organization management and coordinated development
  • Customized applications to meet personalized needs
  • Open API and build digital intelligent management system

Housekeeper Cloud Industry and Trade Series

Focus on the workshop site and provide integrated solutions for intelligent factories

  • Upstream and downstream supply chain collaboration
  • Site management of light MES workshop
  • Multi factory/subcontract collaborative production
  • Exclusive intelligent manufacturing for small and medium-sized enterprises

Housekeeper Yun Industry and Trade PRO

Information management platform for process oriented manufacturing enterprises to meet personalized and industrial needs

  • Customization of process flow
  • Transparent management of production process
  • Personalized manufacturing platform
  • Multi industry featured solutions

Industry solutions

Provide enterprises with full life cycle, multi-dimensional and valuable information services

Solutions for electromechanical equipment industry

The main characteristics of electromechanical equipment manufacturing are: discrete oriented, flow assisted, assembly focused. Because of its complex production process and difficult management of process and work in process, traditional management methods such as manual bookkeeping have been difficult to meet the needs of modern enterprise scientific management. Only with the help of information management software, the transformation to digital and intelligent manufacturing can better solve these problems.

Hardware and building materials industry solutions

Hardware and building materials industry is an important material industry in China. The industrial structure of building materials industry is developing in the direction of extending the industrial chain, high added value and low energy consumption. Building materials wholesale enterprises need to effectively manage a wide range of commodities. At the same time, they usually open multiple stores, set up branches to operate across regions, and improve enterprise efficiency. The requirements for enterprise informatization are much higher than that of individual companies.

Hardware processing industry solutions

The booming development of China's manufacturing industry has created a huge market demand for hardware. The performance, quality, reliability, variety, specifications and requirements of products are also increasingly high, and increasingly show the characteristics of standardization, intelligence, flexibility, precision, etc. In the face of pressure, hardware manufacturers can only improve their competitiveness by improving market reaction speed, increasing production flexibility and strengthening cost control.

Food and chemical industry solutions

With the change of food consumption and demand from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality, nutrition, safety, diversity and convenience, the technological level and quality control requirements of food processing are also increasing. At the same time, the requirements of flexible production, big data, quality traceability supervision and other aspects of the industry also force food and chemical manufacturing enterprises to accelerate the transformation to intelligent manufacturing.

Solutions for animal husbandry industry

China is a large country in animal husbandry industry in terms of feeding quantity and output, but the overall industry has a low degree of industrialization, and the production, processing and sales system is still not perfect. There are many problems in the control of the link from land to table, and there is no coordinated development, and there is no effective supervision and management. At present, it is urgent to transform from a simple production mode, low production efficiency and production level to a modern breeding mode.

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