Insurance asset custody business

Basic introduction:

The insurance asset custody business is that China Merchants Bank accepts the entrustment of insurance institutions such as insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies, and insurance asset management companies to provide account opening, asset custody, capital clearing, securities delivery, asset valuation, accounting, investment supervision, information reporting and other services for its own funds or managed assets or products when investing.

Since being qualified for insurance fund custody business in 2006, China Merchants Bank has established good custody business cooperation relationships with many domestic insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies, and insurance asset management companies, providing them with "safe, efficient, open, intelligent, and comprehensive" custody services.

Service content:

1. Asset Custody: Safely keep assets to ensure that the insurance assets under custody are independent of the self owned assets of the custodian bank and other assets under custody.

2. Account opening: act as an agent to open a bank custody account, and handle the opening of various asset accounts such as the stock exchange account, inter-bank market bond account, and open-ended fund account.

3. Clearing and settlement: according to the third-party data of Zhongdeng Corporation, China Bond Corporation, Fund Corporation and the investment instructions of insurance companies or insurance asset management companies, handle the clearing and settlement of funds involved in the over-the-counter/over-the-counter investment activities of insurance assets.

4. Investment supervision: supervise the investment operation of insurance companies and insurance asset management companies, and ensure that entrusted assets are invested in accordance with the requirements of regulatory regulations and agreements.

5. Accounting: Conduct complete and standardized accounting for the entrusted insurance assets in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and the agreement.

6. Asset valuation: regularly evaluate the entrusted insurance assets according to laws, regulations and agreements to reflect the fair value of assets.

7. Statement preparation: provide various statements related to insurance asset custody business according to laws, regulations and agreements.

8. Custody report: prepare custody report regularly according to laws, regulations and agreements to reflect the basic situation of investment and operation of assets under custody.

9. Investment research assistance: provide the client/manager with one-stop investment services including pre investment research (selected research reports, fund research, portfolio configuration), investment management (position management, compliance risk control), and post investment analysis (product overview, performance evaluation, stress testing, risk warning).

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