China Merchants Bank Trusteeship Won the "Trusteeship Innovation Award" of China Fund News

  Recently, China Fund News announced the selection of the second Innovation Yinghua Award, and China Merchants Bank's trusteeship won the "Trusteeship Innovation Award" by virtue of its professional innovation and financial technology advantages. This is another award for our trusteeship this year, in addition to the inter-bank "excellent asset trusteeship institution", "excellent trusteeship institution" and "inter-bank local currency market trusteeship business market innovation award".

As of the end of March 2023, the trusteeship scale of China Merchants Bank is 20.35 trillion yuan. Behind the 20 trillion yuan is innovation driven and sustained support of financial technology. In recent years, the number of custody products has grown rapidly, the product complexity has become higher and higher, the capital market policy has been changing, and the requirements of asset management customers for custody services have been increasing. With the strong support of the Information Technology Department, the Bank's trusteeship continued to explore and build an innovative trusteeship technology platform - "trusteeship+" comprehensive service platform with multiple functions such as customer information interaction, trusteeship business processing, and series of value-added services, and constantly improved the capability of digital services to provide pre investment research, investment management Post investment analysis provides support for the whole process digital transformation, and truly realizes personalized customization of customer needs on a unified platform.

The "Trusteeship+" comprehensive service platform of China Merchants Bank, through content innovation, tool innovation, mode innovation and technology innovation, provides intelligent investment research and management tools that fit the real scene of users, and has won high recognition from customers and the industry with its safe, efficient, open, intelligent and comprehensive characteristics, creating an industry-leading one-stop investment service platform, It has become the preferred investment and research auxiliary tool box for many customers. Since its launch, the platform has accumulated more than 1800 investment institutions, and more than 6500 users have opened the "hosting+" service. By the end of 2022, there are 744 active institutions on the platform, with investment research assistance related functions. There are 190 investment institutions in total, and more than 300 users have opened related services.

The "Trusteeship+" integrated service platform is a successful case of the trusteeship business practice of the development concept of "customer-centric, creating value for customers". In the future, the trusteeship business will continue to play its advantages, forge ahead, combine big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and mobile Internet technology and other innovative applications of financial technology, realize the upgrading of trusteeship services, and continue to promote the trusteeship value creation 3.0 model.


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