Continuously improve banking services and contribute new financial momentum to economic and social development


——Guo Shuqing's speech at the "2016 Report on China's Banking Service Improvement" and the press conference of the Top 1000 Civilized and Standardized Service Demonstration Units


Distinguished guests, colleagues in the banking industry and friends in the media:

Good afternoon, everyone! Today is a particularly meaningful day. It is not only the International Consumer Rights Day on March 15, but also the successful conclusion of the National Two Sessions. It is a great pleasure to attend the "2016 Report on the Improvement of China's Banking Services" and the launch of the "Top 1000 Demonstration Units of Civilized and Standardized Services". First of all, on behalf of the CBRC, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the new achievements of the Top 1000 Demonstration Units, the improvement of banking service management and the protection of consumer rights and interests! I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all media friends and all sectors of society who have been concerned, concerned and supporting the development of the banking industry for a long time!

Banking is a modern service industry. It is the bounden duty of banks to serve the national strategy, the real economy and customers. Since 2006, the construction of civilized and standardized service brand system represented by "Top 100" and "Top 1000" has been carried out for more than ten years and has been widely recognized by the public. First, consumer satisfaction has steadily improved. The banking industry complied with the changes in customer needs, continuously improved business processes, innovated service models, and built an online and offline integrated service platform. By the end of 2016, the banking industry had 228000 business outlets, with more than 3800 new business outlets; The amount of online banking transactions was 1299 trillion yuan, with 85 billion transactions in total, up 98% year on year. The manual telephone connection rate of the customer service center reached 91.6%, higher than 90% for three consecutive years; Customer satisfaction reached 98.5%, which has been continuously improved for five consecutive years. It is suggested that media friends may try to supervise us. Second, inclusive finance achieved results. Under the guidance of regulatory policies, the "double base linkage" and grid coverage will be adopted to link the construction of grass-roots village committees with grass-roots financial services and solve the problem of information asymmetry; Through the establishment of convenient service points and mobile service vehicles, innovative practices such as "horseback bank", "bag bank" and "night market bank", the "last mile" and "last step" of financial services in remote areas have been opened up and completed, so that the old, young, remote and poor areas and vulnerable groups can equally enjoy high-quality banking services. These cases not only represent the development level and innovative model of inclusive finance in China, but also provide Chinese models and cases for the development of international inclusive finance. Third, fintech innovation and development. Research shows that in 2016, about 50% of global financial technology investment went to China. The banking industry actively adapts to the new trend of the vigorous development of financial technology, innovates the service channel entrance, and pays attention to the coordinated development of service channels and resource integration. By the end of 2016, the off counter transaction rate of the banking industry had reached 84%, up 6.6 percentage points year on year; Self service equipment, e-commerce platforms, WeChat banks and other transactions all over the country are also increasingly active, providing people with all-purpose, omni channel and all-weather convenient new financial services. Fourth, the protection of consumers' rights and interests has been strengthened. The banking industry focused on the concerns of the people, increased the publicity and education of consumer protection, organized and carried out financial literacy publicity activities for the sixth consecutive year, and strengthened the ability of banking consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. In 2016, about 360000 financial knowledge popularization activities were organized, and nearly 180000 bank outlets were involved, presenting a situation of "the government attaches great importance to, solid promotion of supervision, active deployment of associations, full implementation of financial institutions, and extensive participation of the public" in the banking industry's consumer protection work.

At present, the economic situation at home and abroad is still complex and changeable, the reform and development of the banking industry still faces many risks, challenges and difficulties, and the demand for public financial services is growing and diversified. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to improve the coverage, availability and satisfaction of financial services to meet the growing financial needs of the people, especially to enable farmers, small and micro enterprises, urban low-income groups, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and other people to access financial services at reasonable prices, convenient and safe in a timely manner. This puts forward higher requirements for the improvement of banking services. We should earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, unswervingly translate the spirit of the Central Committee into concrete actions, and constantly improve the level of banking services.

1、 Firmly establish a customer-centric concept and constantly improve banking services

The banking industry is a service industry, which should have the service spirit of "serving dishes"; Whether it can provide effective support for the development of the real economy and provide better banking services for customers is the most important criterion to measure the achievements of banking reform. We should increase support for the supply side structural reform, deepen the "three removal, one reduction and one compensation", effectively play the role of the debt commission, and realize the "three win" of enterprises, governments and banks. We should conscientiously implement the spirit of the government work report, vigorously develop inclusive finance, so that all market entities and urban and rural residents can enjoy the rain and rain of financial services, encourage large and medium-sized commercial banks to set up inclusive finance business units, and large state-owned banks should take the lead in doing so; We should focus on improving the financial service level of small and micro enterprises, implement differentiated assessment and evaluation methods and support policies, and effectively alleviate the problem of difficult and expensive financing; We should focus on improving the efficiency of financial targeted poverty alleviation, give full play to the role of policy oriented development finance, strengthen the function of rural credit cooperatives in serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", innovate credit services and financing models such as industrial poverty alleviation, relocation poverty alleviation, and expand the coverage of financial poverty alleviation. A book called Bank3.0 pointed out that banking is no longer a place you go, but something you do)。 The era of Banking 3.0 has come, and the banking industry needs to strengthen the concept of "customer-centric" and "service creates value", comprehensively strengthen the construction of service capability and service management system, and provide multi-level, comprehensive and targeted services that do not rely solely on physical facilities; We should use financial technology, rely on new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, innovate service methods and processes, integrate traditional service resources, link online and offline advantages, improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the entire banking industry, and respond to customer needs and social needs in a more advanced, flexible, and efficient manner.

2、 Strengthen the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, and build a more effective consumer protection mechanism

The protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers concerns social fairness, justice and social harmony. The banking industry should take the system construction as the basis, incorporate the protection of consumers' rights and interests into the working system, and actively implement the concept of fair treatment of consumers. The relevant requirements of consumer protection should be integrated into corporate governance, corporate culture and business development strategies, and consumer protection responsibilities should be fulfilled through measures such as establishing rules and regulations, improving processes, and ensuring resource input. It is necessary to improve the investor suitability system, standardize the management of sales and consignment business, conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of "double recording" (audio and video) of product sales in the sales area, and eliminate false promises, misleading sales and fraudulent marketing. All products sold in the bank must explain their nature, investment orientation and possible risks to customers, and no ambiguity is allowed; Never embezzle the name of the bank; It is not allowed to charge without responsibility. The risk prompt text shall be marked and printed in the most prominent part of the product manual. All banks should attach great importance to customer complaints, and the chairman and president should often deal with and interfere with this work. It is necessary to strengthen the propaganda and education of consumer protection, continue to carry out the activity of "popularizing financial knowledge for thousands of miles", improve consumers' ability to identify risks, and enhance consumers' ability to safeguard their rights according to law. We should strengthen cooperation and linkage with relevant social departments to form joint forces, set up mediation centers for financial consumption disputes on a pilot basis, and jointly optimize the financial service environment.

Comprehensively strengthen the construction of the industry team and make up for the shortcomings of the system

"It's hard to forge iron". Banking employees should cultivate good professional ethics, advocate for the people, be pragmatic and honest, and be loyal, clean and responsible; We should continue to carry forward the tradition of "three irons" in the banking industry and give people a good view of "money bags". The regulatory authorities should adhere to the risk based regulatory system, and further strengthen the behavior supervision and functional supervision; The banking industry should further strengthen internal control management, improve various rules and regulations, and complement the weak points of the system. First, improve and perfect the product management system in time. Timely study and formulate management measures for financial products and asset management products according to the guidance on regulating the asset management business of financial institutions; We will guide financial products to invest more in the real economy, and strictly control maturity mismatch and leveraged investment. Second, optimize and improve the information management system. Information such as changes and adjustments in various services of the banking industry should be announced to the public through various channels in a timely manner; For risk events such as employee disclosure of customer information, strengthen double line accountability, seriously deal with the parties, strictly investigate the leadership responsibility, and severely punish. Third, we should study and improve the code of conduct and professional ethics system of employees. Improve employees' professional ethics and professional quality, strictly manage employees' behavior, and resolutely punish violations of laws, regulations, and disciplines such as card taking, collusion, self theft, and benefit transmission. Fourth, we should carefully sort out the service management system. Promote the standardized construction of outlet service management, and realize the refined and standardized management of customer service; Revise the service price management system, rectify improper transactions and incentives, and reduce improper charges; Based on its own service characteristics and strategies, we will incorporate service management into performance appraisal and upgrade service levels from different dimensions.

4、 Give full play to the functions of "self-discipline, rights protection, coordination and service", lead the banking industry to increase the supply of high-quality financial services, and create a new situation of civilized and standardized service management

BOCA should give full play to the important role of social organizations in "serving the country, the society, the masses and the industry", work hard to be the assistant of the "gatekeeper" and "night watchman" of the regulatory authorities, and play the role of bridge and link; It is necessary to deepen self-discipline in the industry, make the industry achieve orderly competitive development by standardizing the market order, and take practical and effective measures to gradually establish a long-term mechanism in response to prominent problems such as difficult and expensive financing, unreasonable additional conditions for loans, and insufficient protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers; We should strengthen the function of safeguarding rights, solidly carry out the "four one batch" special governance activities (one batch of supervision, one batch of notification, one batch of publicity, one batch of sanctions), crack down on the evasion of bank debts, earnestly safeguard the rights and interests of banks, and establish "two blacklists" against the dishonest persons who evade bank debts and those who violate laws and disciplines and are evil in nature to be banned from the banking industry for life; It is necessary to persevere in promoting the service improvement work of the whole industry, improve the capacity and connotation of civilized and standardized services of the whole industry through the demonstration and leading role of "Top 100" and "Top 1000", and lead the banking industry to create a new situation of civilized and standardized services!

Comrades! 2017 is an important year for the implementation of the 13th Five Year Plan and the deepening of supply side structural reform. Let's unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, work hard and unite, innovate and upgrade banking services, contribute new momentum to the steady and healthy development of the economy and society, and greet the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements!


Finally, I wish the conference a complete success!

Thank you!


Source: CBRC website