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Fireworks like floating dust that year VIP Reading: 83565327 Recommendation: 123567

Author: Pay a good deed

As time flows, bright scars will appear on these fresh faces, and then they will heal slowly in hope. Like us, all people will grow up, pain, or happiness. This book is different from the general youth novel. The funny book in the end will only make people feel superficial. As a text of youth growth, the price of growth is to learn to be sad and strong. Read it, you will begin to read in tears and laughter, and then gradually sad, perhaps only when you close the book, will smile because of the emerging bursts of warmth, no longer so sad.

Latest chapter: Chapter 45    2018-11-21

Return from a lost journey VIP Reading: 206895 Recommendation: 50

Author: Red leaves in autumn

A 15-year-old rural boy played with a ferocious mandrill monkey when he was young, and developed an unusual agility. One day, a strange and strange event happened in the village: two children disappeared and four young villagers evaporated. After experiencing a strange life and death, the boy took the monkey away from his hometown and came to Dinghai Bridge in Shanghai. In order to survive, we are not afraid of violence and fight to the death. With our own kung fu, we will be able to win the sea bridge. To survive, join a guild. Kill the Sect Leader for friendship. To survive, escape again------

Latest chapter: Chapter 75 The Truth of Strange Events    2019-08-01
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