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Emperor Seal Mystery Collection VIP Reading: 1397635 Recommendation: 238

Author: Cao Dapoche

The long lost He Shi Bi reappeared, and various forces swarmed in. Dark wizards, defenders of the Miao area, Hong Kong tycoons, and foreign agents all wanted to take it as their own. Shen Yunfei, a non staff member of a national department, was ordered to investigate. He experienced all kinds of intrigues and unimaginable things, including the world in the mirror, ancient trees, palaces in the clouds... Finally, he found that there was a shocking secret hidden in the little jade wall.

Latest chapter: Chapter 72 Ending    2016-11-16

Lin Family Treasure - Bloody Avalokitesvara VIP Reading: 595534 Recommendation: 2552

Author: Zi Chou Mouniu

[The entity copyright has been sold and published and listed by Modern Publishing House.] Among all the descendants of the Lin Family, there is a valuable treasure in the family. Anyone who can get it will be able to live comfortably. As the last remaining blood of the Lin family, Lin Yi, who failed to start his business after graduating from college, had to sell his ancestral old house. Who knew that a colorful stone was found in the old house, and a map would appear every time under the moonlight

Latest chapter: Chapter 158: The Grand Finale    2017-03-28

Datang Shuyi Division sign Read: 78522 Recommended: 0

Author: Ximen lean meat

After the An Shi Rebellion, strange stories and evils appeared frequently in the land of China. Strange powers and gods emerge in endlessly. Following the example of Han Yuefu, the emperor sent people everywhere to collect anecdotes. In fact, the purpose of investigating the trends of vassals and towns and the popular feelings of the people was to describe the differences.

Latest chapter: Chapter 293 Soul Return    2024-06-15
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