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  • Special insurance investigator Chapter 1 Volunteers

    Chapter 1 Volunteers

    Author: Ximen lean meat     

    At 2:25 p.m., the outpatient hall of Jiangcheng Central Hospital was full of people, and there was a long line at the registration office. Some people's faces are sallow, others are pale, and their whole body reveals impatience. Among the group of patients' families and medical staff, there are also some young people in suits. They carry backpacks and look ruddy. They are not patients who come to see doctors or relatives of patients, but medical representatives who often appear in social news in recent years.

    At present, there are three million people in this group.

    An Taiping is one of the three million. He also wore a shirt and shoes, but the shirt was never ironed and full of wrinkles, and the leather shoes had not been oiled for a long time. The backpack was filled with a tablet computer distributed by the company. The company asked him to use the tablet computer to explain product knowledge to customers, but he never found the opportunity.

    Just as he entered the outpatient hall, he saw a billboard on the hall, which read: No medical representatives. There is a huge electronic display screen in the hall, which shows the outpatient information of each department today. Occasionally, a large line of characters appears: "No medical representatives are allowed to stream in the hospital.".

    "Wrong typography, obviously it's wandering!" he whispered to himself.

    He has been working in this field for a year. When I first started my career, I felt humiliated when I saw similar words. Now I am used to them. He ran through the outpatient hall to the internal medicine building and waited in line for the elevator. The Central Hospital is the best hospital in Jiangcheng City and even in Jiangdong Province. The people in the elevator are always full, just like those in the hospital bed.

    While waiting for the elevator, he looked down at his mobile phone.

    "Can you get off work early in the afternoon? Let's go shopping in the evening." Her girlfriend Xie Huaxi sent a WeChat message.

    The word "shopping" made his eyes jump. Shopping means spending money

    He studied medical law at Jiangdong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Except for students majoring in clinical medicine, most of the male students who graduated from the major were working as medical representatives. Therefore, their school is also known as the training base for medical representatives. In the year of graduation, he was confused about the future and drifted with the tide. He followed his classmates out to do sales. Xie Huaxi was admitted as a graduate student of our school. I wanted to take an examination of a better school, but my strength was poor, so I had to settle for second place.

    "Yes, but we will come to the central hospital around 6:00, and the leader asked us to use staples to punch in." He hesitated for a moment and replied by tapping the keyboard with one hand, while the other hand touched the strap of the backpack. A colleague's tablet was stolen by a thief fleeing to the hospital before, so he had to be alert.

    Many people in the sales industry are using Nail to report their work. An Taiping has to send the geographical location three times every morning, noon and evening. After returning home in the evening, he has to report today's work content, when and where he visited which customers

    "Good. I came out of the laboratory early. Do you have any gifts? Ha ha ha!" Xie Huaxi made a voice.

    The word "gift" struck his eardrum.

    Today is actually Xie Huaxi's birthday, but An Taiping is shy. His performance has not been very good, and he has advanced a lot of funds to market activities. The company's reimbursement process is very slow, and the salary is paid at the end of the month. Now he has only 300 yuan all over, which may just be enough to eat a slightly better meal.

    He carefully surmised Xie Huaxi's mood and replied, "I haven't paid my salary yet. I'll make it up for you in a few days, OK?" Finally, he posted a grinning expression.

    Xie Huaxi did not return any news.

    His heart sank, but the elevator came.

    A lot of people came out. There is a property in the elevator. The property manager yells, "First out, then in. Don't worry, which floor?"

    He squeezed in and felt that the elevator had been soaked by the takeout smell for a long time. He could not help but frown and whispered, "Thank you on the 13th floor." He haunted the hospital, and the security guards knew him.

    Some people say loudly in Jiangcheng dialect: "The second floor."

    The 13th floor is the hematology department, also the leukemia ward. Their company focuses on blood related products. Coincidentally, a deputy director of the hematology department surnamed Wang is an associate professor of An Tai Ping School, who teaches the undergraduate students the course of Pharmaceutical Affairs Management every year. When An Taiping went to school, all the courses were crammed for the exam. The only course he was interested in was Pharmacy Management, because his father opened a pharmacy before his death.

    Mr. Wang is very impressed with him. In the past, they were teachers and students, but now they are customers and salesmen. Lenovo is a little embarrassed by comparison.

    Every time he comes to the hematology department, he can have a pleasant chat with Mr. Wang, but he can't make face to ask Mr. Wang to use more of his company's products, so he is always criticized by the leader. His product is a drug to promote platelet production, and there is only one competitive product of the same kind. The salesman of competitive products is a big wave beauty.

    Mr. Wang just came to the office to change into a white coat. After seeing him, he casually asked, "Are you interested in doing good things?"

    He didn't sleep at noon and was sleepy to death, but he couldn't yawn here to avoid being rude to Mr. Wang. So he tried his best to control the muscles of his mouth, tried not to open it, and asked, "What good thing?"

    "The Red Cross came to us again, saying that there were too few volunteers donating hematopoietic stem cells, and many patients could not match their bone marrow. They asked me to publicize and mobilize students in the school to participate in volunteer activities." Mr. Wang said while changing clothes.

    The only treatment for many leukemia patients is to transplant hematopoietic stem cells, also known as bone marrow transplantation. Because almost all hematopoietic stem cells exist in bone marrow.

    He hesitated.

    "You should know that donating bone marrow will not cause harm to the human body itself, but after the donation, there will be two or three days of discomfort, limb weakness, and so on. It will be better in a few days. Of course, there is no reward for volunteers to donate bone marrow, only some health subsidies, and the donated patients may give you a little red envelope reward. If you are interested, I will contact you. If you are not interested, I will not force you. " Mr. Wang said while tapping the keyboard to write the medical record. At the end, he added: "The subsidy is about eight or nine thousand yuan. By the way, what is the name of your company's product? The effect is good."

    When he heard the words "eight or nine thousand yuan", his heart jumped and he said hurriedly, "I'm interested!"

    "Yes, hot blooded young man. I will contact you when I finish writing the case." Teacher Wang said with his back to him.

    There are more and more doctors and patients' families in the office.

    He looked left and right, and left in silence.


    After walking out of the door of the hematology department, he suddenly thought that Mr. Wang mentioned their products. He regretted that he should seize the opportunity to ask Mr. Wang to use more of their products in the future, and missed the good opportunity! The mind was completely captured by the subsidies of eight or nine thousand yuan!

    "Alas, it seems that I am not good at doing business." He was confused again. Some students did a good job in business. They bought a car in half a year. Some students didn't do a good job, but they changed their business in three months. He didn't know whether he could stand it. But what can we do without doing this?

    He came to the school's laboratory to meet Xie Huaxi. The school is close to the hospital, about the subway of Sizhan Road. The hospital is located on the bank of the Yangtze River, near the bustling commercial pedestrian street. He and Xie Huaxi crowded the subway to stroll in the pedestrian street. Xie Huaxi seems to be preoccupied and not interested in shopping. Maybe it was midsummer and the weather was hot, so she was upset with him and he had no gifts.

    "What do you want to eat?" He found a topic and thought to himself not to pick expensive places.

    "Elder martial brother said that a new Sichuan restaurant has opened near here. The pickled cabbage fish is delicious. Shall we try it?" She looked down at WeChat and said, "It's not expensive."

    "OK. You send me your location. I see that you chat with this elder martial brother every day?" He expressed his dissatisfaction slightly.

    "No! You think too much!" Xie Huaxi rolled her eyes.

    He didn't dare to contradict. He took Xie Huaxi's hand and walked toward the Sichuan Restaurant. As he walked, he suddenly remembered one thing: "I have to go to the central hospital to punch in first, or the manager will curse again."

    Xie Huaxi was discouraged and said, "OK... I'll go first, and then wait for you."

    As we all know, the subtext of the sentence "OK" is "not very good".

    He tried to explain something, but his phone rang.

    "You are not allowed to ask for leave and be late for the weekly meeting at 6:30 tonight." The leader's voice on the phone could not hear his anger, but he saw Xie Huaxi's face was obviously angry.

    "After the meeting, it is estimated that it will be 8:00 or 9:00. What about tomorrow night?" He smiled.

    "All right." Xie Huaxi looked down at his mobile phone again.

    Then her phone rang. After answering the phone, her face turned cloudy and clear, and she said, "Senior Brother asked people in our lab to sing and drive to pick me up."

    "Who are there?" Mom, it's the elder martial brother again. He scolded the elder martial brother 10000 times in his heart, and was extremely worried that the rich elder martial brother would seduce Xie Huaxi.

    "All the people in the laboratory." Xie Huaxi frowned slightly.

    "Really?" He was full of doubts. When he saw Xie Huaxi, he seemed to be going mad. He quickly changed the subject: "Then you go."

    Xie Huaxi smiles beautifully and frowns ferociously, so he always takes care of her mood, but sometimes he can't control his emotions.

    Five minutes later, a saucy BMW stopped beside Xie Huaxi. The window fell down, revealing the fashionable hair style of the elder martial brother.

    The elder martial brother said to him, "Why don't we play together?"

    "No, you play, I still have something to do." He saw that there was a girl sitting on the passenger seat, and immediately felt a little relieved.

    "You can't earn enough money. You should relax more!" The rear car window also lowered, revealing a carefully carved face. This is Xie Huaxi's roommate when he was an undergraduate. Now he is studying under the same tutor, which is also fate.

    He thought that the roommate was so beautiful, so he must have focused on her.

    "Play together next time." He squeezed out a fake smile.

    Xie Huaxi got into the back carriage.

    The car swept away.

    He bought a sesame seed cake at the roadside. After two bites, he felt too dry to eat, and was reluctant to spend money on mineral water, so he loaded the sesame seed cake into his backpack. Two yuan sesame seed cakes and two thousand yuan flat plates are squeezed together harmoniously. The owner of the sesame seed cake squeezed the subway to the company for a meeting.


    In the office of the company, there is a table on the projector showing the performance curve of each salesperson.

    He bowed his head and dared not look. The voice of the leader's speech came and went, which seemed a little ethereal. While his mind was wandering, his phone rang.

    The leader was very dissatisfied: "Didn't you say it? It was silent during the meeting."

    He took out his mobile phone and found it was Mr. Wang. He said, "Customer, big customer!"

    "Oh, go to pick it up." The leader turned angry to be happy.

    He stepped aside to answer.

    Teacher Wang said, "A new patient needs bone marrow transplantation, but we don't have a match at present. When you are free, come and have a check. Maybe you can match it. It's a favor for me. Would you like to donate?"

    He glanced at the leader, who was staring at him. The curves on the table also irritated his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, but that teacher Wang, my performance is poor this month, and the boss scolded me again. See if you can......"

    The leader thumbed up his appreciation.

    "No problem. You told me earlier that your performance has been very good. Come here tomorrow."


    "Unfortunately, the patient's surname is An, and maybe it's your relative," said Mr. Wang.

    "What's it called?" he asked casually.

    "An Jianye."

    His face sank. His father has three brothers, An Jianguo, An Jianbang and An Jianye. His father is the second. My father died ten years ago. My uncle often helped his family, but my third uncle An Jianye was never seen. The two families were cut off, so I didn't know that my third uncle had leukemia.

    "Why, is it really your relative?"

    "It's my third uncle. It's just that he hasn't seen each other for many years."

    "Ah! It seems that the relationship is not so good. But it's also fate. So, are you coming to donate?"

    The author's big words:

    Unusual theme, support more



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