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Dingdang Little Dragon Girl

  • Author: Pay a good deed
  • Type: Classical Immortal Xia
  • Number of words: 59497
  • to grant authorization: VIP works
  • Warehousing: August 15, 2018
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This is a new myth of the "Q" era, but also a growth book about youth. The sadness and pain of growth, the beauty and flying of youth, the innocence when not experiencing worldly affairs, and the heaviness after experiencing vicissitudes are presented to readers one by one through the author's bright language and narrative signs with the characteristics of the times. The characters in the novel are kind-hearted and full of love. Even the nominal "four villains" are soft hearted and always thinking about how to help others, not to mention the seemingly cunning monster and the seemingly cruel Erlang God. All these people surround themselves with hard shells on the surface, because they have a bitter memory inside. Because of this memory, they pay more than others and are more considerate than others. That's why Chen Xiang finally found that the parents he wanted to rescue were actually very comfortable and happy. The demon who was trying to stop Chen Xiang from saving his parents turned out to be the daughter of Erlang God. At the critical moment, Chen Xiang blocked the fatal blow for Chen Xiang, and then disappeared into the fairyland. The existence of these sentimental factors determines the existence value of the novel. "Tear up beautiful things for people to see", the strong shock force of the tragedy remains unchanged for ages, but the most wonderful thing is that the author restores this kind of tragedy through the Q language and the purity of the characters' hearts, which makes people feel shocked but not sad. This is the greatest effect of leisure novels.

[Latest chapter]>> Section 4 Strange Old Man   2018-10-01

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Number of recommended votes this month: three ticket

2018-10-24   Ouyang Qianqian Voted 1

2018-10-16   Ouyang Qianqian Voted 1


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