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Regret for being young

Author: New Germany

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Part II

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1. Regret for Youthfulness is an original novel by Xin De, the author of which has published chapters in person.
2. Regret for Youthfulness is a good urban novel published by Xinde on this website, aiming to make more users see it.
3. The content described in the full text of the novel Regret for Your Youth is only the author's personal views. The views and positions in the work have nothing to do with the positions of Changjiang Chinese Network. This website only provides an electronic reading platform for users.
4. Regret for Youths is a very good urban novel. In order to encourage the author Xinde, please buy a VIP of this book, or promote this book and recommend it more, which is also a kind of support and encouragement for the author! The future of the novel Regret for the Youth is We should work together!


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