Franchise advantages
Franchise process
Franchise Process
  • Franchise consultation
  • Franchise application
  • Qualification review
  • Investigation and negotiation
  • Signing cooperation
  • Support guidance
  • Opening publicity
  • Preparation and operation
  • Authorized delivery
  • Headquarters training
Franchise consultation
By leaving a message or calling the company's 400 hotline, the professional investment manager will guide you to understand the basic situation of the project and answer relevant questions in detail;
Franchise application
Determine the initial joining intention and investment plan, and apply for joining qualification;
Qualification review
The headquarters will make a comprehensive assessment of the applicant's expected franchise region, investment capability and marketing capability to determine the agency qualification;
Investigation and negotiation
After confirming the agency qualification, invite the applicant to visit the headquarters on the spot to discuss cooperation matters;
Signing cooperation
Sign the agency contract, pay the purchase cost of the first cooperative product, and reach the cooperation intention;
Headquarters training
Participate in the comprehensive training of the headquarters, including theoretical training and practical training, until you learn it;
Authorized delivery
Issue the letter of authorization from the headquarters and arrange the shipment;
Preparation and operation
Determine the business location and mode, and prepare the opening publicity according to the guidance of the headquarters;
Opening publicity
On the opening day, do a good job of publicity, promotion and preferential advertising to quickly open the market;
Support guidance
Professional technical guidance, irregular large amount of advertising, continuous product innovation, etc., make you worry free operation; Franchisees report their operations to the headquarters in a timely manner. The headquarters customizes detailed files for them to help them improve their operations.

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