Hangzhou Anxu Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Views: 9886 times
Date: July 25, 2020

█ Basic information of the project

Project name: Indoor Air Treatment of Hangzhou Anxu Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Construction time: July 20, 2020

█ Customer demand and governance process

Hangzhou Anxu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., founded in 2008, is a high-tech biomedical company integrating R&D, production and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents, POCT instruments and biological raw materials. The company has a production and research and development base of 20000 square meters, and has established an internationally advanced colloidal gold rapid diagnostic reagent production line, with an annual production capacity of hundreds of millions of people.

Hangzhou Anxu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is in urgent need of formaldehyde removal after the new decoration. Compared with several formaldehyde removal companies, the company finally chose a more qualified green maker. The engineer sprayed photocatalyst products on every corner of the company. After the construction, all the drawers that had been removed and sprayed were reinstalled. After the restoration of all the furniture, the air quality reached the national standard and was very fresh. The customer was very satisfied.

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